Chapter 10

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Kyoko looked around her room, now she had had enough. Her hands had stopped bleeding finally and clenching her hands into fits she got up off her bed and walked to her bedroom door.

He watched her silently and his eyes grew wide when he saw her shove her entire body against the door. Kyoko then moved back and hurled herself into the door again.

Suddenly they both heard a loud bang coming from downstairs. Kyoko froze and moved away from the door, it had sounded like a gun shot.

He leapt to his feet and stood in the corner of the room watching the door. Kyoko further backed away from the door and the pair listened for any more noise.

*Junko and Byakuya*

Sat in the front of Byakuya's car the pair were silent. Byakuya had his eyes closed to rest them before they drove home in a couple of hours.

They also heard a faint bang in the distance. Junko jumped and listened for anymore noise but nothing else happened. She then looked at Bykauya who had one eye open unimpressed.

"Did you hear that?" She asked him.

"What do you think?" He growled.

Junko fell silent until a thought came into her head and she threw the door open and jumped out of the car.

"Where are you going?" Byakuya asked her.

"If that was a gun shot, Makoto will soon have Kyoko in his arms... I can't miss their first kiss" she told him.

"What's wrong with you? You are obsessing over them and their none existent relationship" Byakuya frowned.

"It will soon be official trust me" she smiled at him as she rushed off to find out where everyone was.

Byakuya watched her disappear and then shook his head before closing his eyes once again.


Mukuro had shot a man who appeared to be on guard out side of the house. It had left Makoto in complete shock and horror, but Mukuro didn't appear phased at all by what she had done. She looked at him and Sho and said rather layed back "You two better be ready, there is bound to be a group of people who will investigate the noise"

"Me and Mukuro will fight the people off, Scrub you just focus on finding the girl" Sho told Makoto.

Makoto looked at the two women and nodded his head even though he felt bad about leaving them.

"'Ay Scrub wait!" Sho shouted after him.

Makoto turned and looked at her.

"You got that gun still?" She asked him.

Sighing Makoto put his hand in his jacket pocket and pulled out the gun to show her.

"Nice" Sho smiled as Makoto turned and left the two women together to fight off anyone.

Mukuro looked at Sho and asked, "has he ever used a gun before?"

"Nope! Hahahahahahahah!" Sho laughed.

Mukuro shook her head and looked in the direction in which Makoto had gone. She was worried that Makoto wouldn't know even the first step about how to use a gun if he did get into trouble. Shortly her thoughts were cut short as people came charging out to see what the noise was.

"Get ready" Mukuro told Sho.

Sho snarled as lent down as she watched the people coming towards them. As soon as Mukuro shot the first bullet Sho sprinted towards everyone scissors in hand.

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