Chapter 5

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**This chapter and all the rest that follows will include ideas of violence and abuse, if this will upset you at all don't read on. This is just a warning so that I can't be blamed if you get upset over things that will be talked about. Again everything is completely fictional and isn't based on any true events**

With that, I'll get back to the story, hope you enjoy the rest of this book.

As soon as they both entered Taka shouted at them both to sit down in their seats. The pair sat down quickly as he seemed agitated and annoyed, "How observant are all of you?!" He shouted at all of them, everyone was there except Sayaka.

"Honestly not very" Hina replied truthfully. Sakura shook her head and placed her hand kindly on her shoulder.

"Depends what it is" Hifumi told him.

"That's enough answers!" Taka shouted, "Well the issue is that Jin, our principle, is going to be absent for the next couple of weeks!"

"And?" Junko asked.

"That means our rightful ruler-"

"I wouldn't call him that" Mondo told him.

"Fine our most respected adult isn't here to over see what happens at this school!"

"That's a good thing isn't it?" Leon asked.

"No! It's the worst possible thing!"

"How is it?" Mukuro asked.

"That means people are going to start getting away with thing's that they shouldn't be allowed to do. Once they start doing that it is only one slippery step until everything is run in absolute chaos, people will riot, some will start being indecent in public with partners and others will kill for the upper position!"

Everyone was speechless.

"Uh Taka" Chihiro piped up, "What kind of things have you been watching?"

"I think it's more of a wild imagination" Celeste sighed.

"That's is why I am suggesting to put in place a temporary principle" he carried on.

"A what now?" Junko asked.

"I'm sure who ever is in the next leading position will be taking Jin's place" Makoto pointed out.

"I've over seen and they are rubbish so I suggest Kyoko to take charge" Take smiled.

Kyoko jumped, she hadn't really been listening to him until she heard her name being said.

"She is Jin's daughter therefore one of the only people fit enough to keep this school in order until his return"

"No" Kyoko told him, "this is just ridiculous"

"She's unpopular enough, she doesn't need more people to dislike her" Byakuya told Taka.  Kyoko gave him a look but he avoided her gaze, it was partially true but he didn't need to say it so bluntly.

"Then what can we do!" Taka shouted.

"Not worry about it" Mondo suggested.

"Just carry on like normal" Hiro shrugged.

"But what if the school goes into complete and utter chaos?!" Taka shouted.

"It wont, you're just over reacting" Junko told him.

"So is that really all the announcement was?" Sakura asked.

Taka was silent for a while before replying "yes that's all it was"

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