Chapter 4

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An hour into her homework and Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis had just stopped she heard something. Grabbing her phone Kyoko paused the next song which was going to be Run by Snow Patrol and she listened. Again she heard something coming from downstairs. Silently she crept to her bedroom door and opened it and tiptoed down to the stairs. Crouching she looked at the front door and saw a blurred figure in the glass, then the door handle rattled. Unsure with what to do in this situation she looked through her contacts on her phone to see who she could call and inform. If this person was a murderer she wanted someone to know about this just in case she went missing. The whole time Kyoko kept half her attension on the door to make sure it was still standing strong and keeping them seperate. Looking down she read all of her contacts, (which weren't that many) in that moment she realised how many useless people she knew.

"I can't call Dad" she muttered to herself and then Makoto's name caught her eye. They had exchanged numbers on the night the whole class went out just in case she got lost on the way home, but he ended up walking her anyway.

She didn't really want to call him but he was the only person near enough to help her if things went to hell. Reluctantly she tapped to ring him and sat down at the top of the stairs so she could keep an eye on the door.

"*beep* *beep* *beep*" the phone rang.

"You better pick up" she muttered to herself.

"*beep* Uh hello?" Makoto asked.

"Hi Makoto it's me Kyoko" Kyoko whispered.

"Oh hey Kyoko, I didn't expect you to be phoning me" he laughed nervously, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but someone is outside trying to get into my house" she heard him gasped so carried on, "they haven't tried to break their way in, the front door is locked so I'm pretty sure I'm safe but if something was to happen I want at least one person to know the situation"

"What are they doing now? And where is your Dad?" Makoto asked.

"Nothing much just standing there, and about my Dad that's a long story" Kyoko sighed.

"So he isn't home?"

"If he was I wouldn't be phoning you would I?"

"Yeah true, do you want me to come over?"

"It's fine, I'm sure they will leave soon enough" just as soon as she had said that the person on the outside became more violent with trying to get in.

On the other end of the phone Makoto heard the noise from the front door, "Is that them trying to get in?"

"Yeah" Kyoko replied as she got back to squatting just in case she had to retreat quickly.

"I'm coming over, stay where ever you are"

"I'm sure that isn't nessary..." Kyoko started.

"No, I wouldn't forgive myself if I knew this was happening and something happened to you when I might have been able to prevent it" Makoto replied. Even though now it was 11 o'clock at night he grabbed his jacket and keys before leaving his house.

Kyoko remained at the top of the stairs and watched the blurred figure, why if he's so desperate hasn't he smashed the glass to get in? she thought to herself.

"Kyoko are you still there?" Makoto asked as everything had gone silent.


"Okay tell me if they do anything else, I'm now on my way"

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