Chapter 6

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Makoto held Kyoko for a long time until he felt like she had calmed down a considerable amount.

"That's why you always pushed me away isn't it? Why you pushed everyone away" Makoto sighed.

Kyoko nodded, "I felt everyone in this world was that evil and would only want to see me hurt"

"Kyoko I swear to you, he won't get you back not as long as I am still breathing"


"I'll fight to keep you here Kyoko, I won't let him lay a hand on you even if it means my life is shortened considerably. Whilst I am alive you'll never be abused like that again"

Kyoko felt herself blush slightly and she looked up at him, "you're shit scared aren't you?" She asked him.

"Of your Grandfather?" He question.

She nodded.

"Yeah, but I promise you I won't let it show and I'll fight him to keep you here if I have to" he replied bravely.

"I'm sorry Makoto" Kyoko sighed after a pause.

"For what?" He asked.

"Dragging you into my messed up life, you deserve a far more stable friend than me"

"Don't beat yourself up about it" he replied as he put his hands on her ungloved hand, "I'm just glad you've finally told someone about it, but I'll keep it a secret unless you want me to tell someone"

"Thank you, just thank you Makoto" Kyoko smiled at him.

Makoto really want to kiss her and show her he loved her but at the same time he didn't want to freak her out at all. Instead he held her burnt hand and looked at it, "You know it's still beautiful" he told her.

"It's horrid, I don't mind you saying that I know it to be true"

"No, how and what happened for it to get like that is horrid but now it's still as beautiful as you are" he told her completely sincerely.

Kyoko blushed and she wasn't sure how to take that, no one had ever complemented her hands before.

The pair had been talking for so long that the sun had set and now it was getting dark. Through their converstaion neither of them had noticed and so they had ended up sitting in the darkness. Makoto looked out of the window and saw how dark it had become and he felt scared, was Fuhito really going to come here for Kyoko?

They were sat in silence until they heard a crash, leaping up Kyoko stood in a protective stance in front of Makoto on the sofa. In the dark she could see the front door glass had been smashed.

"Get out of here Makoto" she told him.

"I'm not leaving you Kyoko" he told her as he got up and joined her.

"Please he'll kill you if he sees you-" She was cut off by another crash.

Grabbing Makoto she pulled him behind the sofa and they ducked behind it and only peered around the sides to see what was going on. In the dark to Kyoko's horror she saw a figure moving into the house.

"Kyoko!" Fuhito called out.

Kyoko pressed her finger against her lips to Makoto and slowly she stood up and walked out from behind the sofa. The light was instantly flicked on and Fuhito smiled when he saw his granddaughter in the living room. 

"What are you doing sat in the dark?" Fuhito asked her.

Kyoko didn't say anything as she watched him move closer to her. Makoto on the other hand was shaking as he remained crouched behind the sofa scared about if he was found.

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