Chapter 7

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"Genocider Sho?" Makoto questioned.

"Ya know the serial killer, but you're in safe hands" she smiled as she sat up and folded her arms, "I only kill pretty boys and you don't class as one"

He slowly got up and sat with his back resting on the sofa, his hand reached and rubbed his head.

"You lost a lot of blood" Genocider Sho told him.

Makoto looked at the girl and his eyes widened, "I-I know you..." He gasped.

"Do ya?"

"You're Toko Fukawa!" He gasped, Sho looked almost identical to Toko except she had an extrodinarialy long tongue.

"Don't you compare me to Miss Doom 'n Gloom, we may share a body but we are completely different people!" She shouted.

A bit shocked and taken back Makoto asked carefully, "So what are you doing here?"

"Oh yes well I was walking you see and I saw this man dragging a girl away, thought it looked interesting and when I approached the house I smelt blood. I love blood! I had to investigate and I found you here bleeding a lot so I helped stop it" Sho replied.

"Why did you help me?" Makoto asked.

Sho shrugged, "Don't know really, I only kill people by stabbing them with scissors and allowing you to bleed out isn't a satisfying death"

Suddenly Makoto remembered what had happened for him to be in this state, "Kyoko, where's Kyoko?" He asked Sho.

Sho shrugged, "I don't even know who she is, what's your name?"

"Makoto Naegi but we are in the same class at school, or at least Toko's there normally"

"Me and Her don't share memories" Sho told him, "therefore I have no idea who you are Scrub"

"My name's Makoto" he muttered.

"Is Kyoko your girlfriend?" Sho winked at him.

"No just a friend, did you see which way the guy who took the girl went?" Makoto asked.

"Huh..." Sho thought for a while, "maybe away from town"

"You didn't look did you" Makoto sighed.

"Nah not really" Sho laughed, "But in the girls room I found this" She then handed Makoto a gun.

"Kyoko had this in her room?"

"In her bedside draw" Sho nodded.

"I don't think I should hold this" Makoto said as he tried to give it back to the killer.

"I don't want it, I only use scissors to kill people so you can have it"

Makoto looked down at the gun in his hands, "Sho can I ask a favour?"

"What is it?" She demanded.

"Will you help me find Kyoko again? She's in trouble but I won't be able to do this on my own"

"Ahhhhh uhhhh" Sho protested, "Fine Scrub, I'll help you find the girl and you keep me safe from the cops"

"Deal" Makoto smiled at her. Sho growled but allowed him to shake her hand to confirm their deal.

Slowly Makoto stood up and looked at the mess in the living room, his once vibrant pink blood was now dull and dry in the carpet. As he looked around he saw the knife Kyoko had protected him from and her blood which covered the blade.

"Domestic arguements" Sho tutted, "should have thought first before you tried to kill her"

"I didn't do this!" Makoto shouted at her.

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