Chapter 8

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"Don't even think about coming near me" Kyoko warned Him.

"I learnt from last time" he smiled back at her.

"What are you even doing here?" She asked Him as she stood up.

"Fuhito asked me to assist you with figuring out the killer" he replied.

"I don't need assistance"

"Cold as always, well then I guess I'll just sit here and watch you do it yourself then" he shrugged as he sat against the wall.

"When will you get the message? I don't like you and I never will"

"That's a bit harsh isn't it? What have I ever done to make you hate me so much?"

"Do I really need to answer that?"

He smiled as he got up and began to walk towards her, "Well I didn't choose to be with you either, this was Fuhito's doing so I suggest we make good of a bad situation"

"Get one step closer and you'll regret it" she told him as she backed off a bit.

"What are you going to do?" He asked her as he came closer to her. Anger mixed with fear over took and she full on smacked him across the face. It hurt her hand probably more than him, but it did shock Him a fair amount. Quickly he moved away from her and went and sat down on the opposite side of the room.

"You've become stronger" he told her.

"Only because I learnt everything that happened here was completely wrong" she replied.

He shrugged and slowly she sat back down on her bed but the whole time she kept an eye on him. She knew Him too well, and he was far too unpredictable.

About half an hour passed them by before either of them moved, he stood up and jumped onto her dresser to watch her. Kyoko had heard the russel of his clothing and snapped round to watch him. "Gosh you're alert" he commented.

"Hmm" Kyoko sighed as she looked back down at the papers. In one of the CCTV picture she could see that the killer was wearing glasses, and from what she could see they were round ones. Then it made sense, she grabbed the witness statements and flicked through until she came across one by Toko Fukawa, a student she knew. When she compare the picture of Toko to the killer image she realised the glasses were the same. Yes it was possible for someone to have the same glasses as her but from what she could see they had the same frame build also. This made it almost certain that they were the same person in her view. He had seen her discover something and he jumped down to see what it was. As soon as she heard him move she pushed all the papers around to get rid of her connection she had made, the last thing she wanted was him take all the credit for something she had done.

"What have you found out?" He asked as he came close to her.

"I thought I told you to stay away from me" she replied sternly.

Taking a single step back he asked, "is that better?"

"I'd rather you leave for good but this will do for now, and anyway it isn't anything" she lied.

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