Chapter 3 - Two Guys, a Girl and Places To Go pt. 2

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I took them next to Katong Laksa for some authentic Singapore food and then to Udders where we went absolutely nuts with their insane ice cream flavors. The hilarious name of the place wasn't lost on the two actors, they couldn't stop laughing at every opportunity they had whenever their brains caught something to make fun of. The fact that they also combined flavors named Baileys and Bourbon with Oktobeer might have contributed as well to the hilarity of the situation.

I found myself really enjoying my time with the two co-stars, despite me pinching myself at times to remind myself that this was real, that I was hanging out with THE Chris Evans and THE Sebastian Stan at Singapore's best unknown hot spots. Even though it had only been for a few hours, they took me in their fold and I knew that I'd be walking away from this with two new friends.

After laughing at yet another ridiculous ice cream flavor, Chris excused himself to go to the men's room, leaving me with Seb seated in front of me. I fixed my eyes on my cup as I swirled my nearly melted ice cream, unable to look him in those penetrating icy blue orbs. I felt a warmth creeping up from my neck which I so desperately hoped would not reach my face. What the fuck is taking Chris so long?! My brain wanted to scream out, it felt like the room was beginning to suffocate me.

I almost fell from my seat when he finally broke the charged silence between us.

"Why did you do this for us, Rae?" his soft, gentle voice filled my head. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and looked up at him. His eyes were the color of the sea this time, dark and probing, as if they were looking right into my very soul. "We were just supposed to be two celebrities you needed to exploit to further your career. Why would you go out of your way to show us a genuinely good time? What's in it for you?"

His words felt like a million knives stabbing all over my body. It hurt like nothing I've never felt before but I couldn't really blame him, could I? After all, when we go our separate ways, I'll just be another reporter to them among a sea of hundreds. I tried imagining the title of the story in my head, and I knew that if I ran it, no doubt, it would be my ticket to even better things. But something inside me told me that if I did, I would be no better than say, TMZ or some other smarmy entertainment site out there. It had been an alluring idea to write a story about our amazing afternoon when the idea came out of my head, but as I spent time with these two, I forgot what my job was and got focused on just showing Chris and Sebastian a good time.


"Sebastian, stop it," Chris' stern voice came through, saving me from having to defend myself to Sebastian. I wouldn't even know how to anyway. I pushed my cup away, stood up and refused to look at Sebastian again, fearing my own eyes would betray me and cry in front of him. "We should be heading back," I said, fighting a sniffle. "Let's go you guys, or else your publicists will kill me."

To say that the ride back to the hotel was tense would be a gross understatement. Sebastian made some lame excuse of wanting to see the scenery so he could sit shotgun, leaving me and Chris on the back. The partition was rolled up, preventing me and Chris from talking to him or even seeing him.

My gaze was fixed at the blur of buildings outside as we passed, still trying not to let the tears come out. I was able to hold on for a few minutes but my resolve crumbled when I felt Chris' warm hand on my arm.

"Hey," Chris' soothing voice comforted me as I cried in his arms. I knew Sebastian would probably hear my muffled sobs, but I was way past caring at that point. He accused of me something I swore to my parents' grave I would never do. As soon as they stepped inside the vehicle hours ago, I told myself I'm not taking them out to see Singapore for a story. I had decided spending time with them and giving them a break from their monotonous schedule was far more important than taking them around just so I could write a great article. It hurt that he saw me as nothing but an opportunist, when I chose to see past their celebrity status and just for the regular, nice guys that they were.

"I'm sorry he talked that way to you earlier, he can really be an insensitive asshat sometimes," Chris murmured over my head as my sobs continued to rack my body. He ran two gentle fingers up and down my spine, and I felt myself gradually relax in his arms. "He tends to be that way when he..."

"When he's what, Chris?" I asked in a cracked voice. I suddenly dreaded asking that.

"Nah, never mind," he broke hold and assessed me carefully. "You good, doll?"

I nodded, and to my horror, I found the left side of Chris' shirt soaked. "Your shirt," I began to speak and apologize.

"...Is something I can change, don't worry about it Rae. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. You've done way too much for me and that dumbass today, thought it was the least I could do. I can't tell you how sorry I am for the way he acted," Chris responded. He really is the nicest guy. I wish I could keep him, but I knew our time is nearing its end.

I got them back to the hotel near seven in the evening and Josh wouldn't let me hear the end of his gratitude. He promised to keep my number so he could take me out to drinks before they leave to go home to the US.

Sebastian didn't say anything to me after getting out of the car. He thanked the driver and seemed to want to get away from me as quickly as he could. Chris tried calling him but he never looked back, just stood in front of the private elevator and waited for Chris and Josh to join him. Just before they got in, Chris looked back to me and gestured with his fingers to let me know he'd call me. Most likely he'd sort out what was going on with Sebastian and give him a piece of his mind.

His words earlier came rushing back to me, confusing the shit out of me why he ever said those.

Maybe I was just imagining that we connected that afternoon.

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