Chapter 22 - Faint

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Words are just that...words. No matter what I say to Sebastian that I'm fine with that reporter's accusations, my body's response when he pulled me close for a embrace betrayed what came out of my mouth. The way he held me made me remember the numerous times my adoptive brother Casey would pull and shield me away from the mean kids who bullied me about my gap tooth when I was still in grade school. He'd then carry me on his back as I lay my head on his shoulder, quietly sobbing as we make our way back home.

Sebastian holding me right there in a concealed area of the theater felt just like that, except the quietly sobbing part. My body began to gradually relax while he repetitively murmured 'I got you' against my hair. Once my breathing has returned to normal and my body stopped shaking, I nod and mouth an 'I'm okay' to him and he tugs on my hand to lead us to our designated place for the screening of the movie.


By the time the credits rolled out, the entire theater was up on their feet as they thunderously applauded the movie, particularly Sebastian's performance of Jeff Gillooly. I joined everyone else in the applause, despite seeing I, Tonya several times already. I remember seeing it right around January and being totally blown away by Sebastian's acting in it. To this day, I still think his performance is criminally underrated and he should have gotten at least a Golden Globe nom for it.

I look down at my beaming male, beckoning him to stand up and acknowledge his adoring fellow Romanians. He does so, but wobbles a bit that I had to grab him by his arm to steady him on his feet. I momentarily ignore what just happened but I made sure I wasn't letting go of my hold on him. I also try to keep my smile on as he waved on and smiled to the crowd as well.

The ovation lasts for about a couple more minutes until he sits again and a host takes to the stage for a short Q&A session. She addresses the crowd in Romanian and then switches to English to accommodate the foreign press and fans in attendance. I take the opportunity to ask Sebastian what happened minutes ago. When I turn to my side to do so, I'm surprised to find he'd gone paler than usual, a sheen of sweat lining his forehead while he tried to steady his breathing.

"Sebastian," I lean over, trying to keep my expression blank. "Sweetheart, you're pale as a sheet. Are you sure you're still up for the Q&A?"

He takes a long swig of water and turns to me, his smile a little pained. "I'm fine, I can handle this. I just need a minute." He signals to Josh and holds out an index finger, causing his assistant to scurry to the side of the stage to ask for the host to stall for a few more minutes. "Can you take me to the restroom?"

I nod and take him by his arm as we excused ourselves to go to the nearest john. I stood on the hallway to wait for him, but instead of hearing the door to the restroom open, I hear a thud instead. I quickly run to where the sound came from and found my boyfriend unconscious on the floor.

"Sebastian!!! Somebody help!" I scream as loud as my voice would allow me. "HELP!"

I cradle Sebastian's head on my lap, gently caressing his cheek to try and coax him to wake up. His breathing was shallow and I start thinking of the worst possible ways this could go.

"Baby, wake up, wake up, wake up...please..please.."

After about another minute, security personnel were barreling towards us with Josh, Ann and Leslie hot on their heels. Leslie pushed her way forward and sat in front of me. One of the guards who came was already calling for an ambulance while another crouched beside me to administer first aid.

"Rae, what the hell happened?"

I gingerly lay Sebastian's head down and let the guard do his thing. Josh pulls me up as we watch Sebastian's inconscient body being given first aid. My body felt numb all of a sudden, like I was watching from above and not from the sidelines.

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