Chapter 21 - Deceptively Fine

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I awoke that morning with a headache I wouldn't even wish on the Devil himself. Mentally patting myself on the back for making sure the drapes were shut last night, I didn't dare open my eyes while I fumbled for my phone. Pressing the button on the bottom of the device, I commanded Siri to call Josh to come over.

"Josh," I groaned on the phone. "Terrible headache, painkillers now please, and room service." I end the call abruptly and within minutes, the door to my hotel room was being opened.

I'd been so psyched last night knowing today was when Rae was flying in from London. I had to beg off from joining the after party of the event I participated in last night just so I could avoid being roped into one too many drinks and end up being royally sloshed.

And yet here I was, feeling like I downed an entire bar's worth of liquor. My body throbbed with a dull pain as well and much as I tried, I couldn't figure out why I suddenly felt so sick, of all goddamn days.

"I got you your painkil—what the in the actual ass?!" came Josh's stunned voice. I could only assume he was reacting to the fact that I was buried way under the sheets. I take the smallest peek at my dumbfounded assistant and let my eyes adjust to the light in the room, albeit with difficulty still.

"Don't turn on any lights or draw the drapes apart," I say as I gingerly take the water bottle and the two gel capsules of Advil on the bedside table. I sit up straight with equal measuredness and down the painkillers.

"Why the fuck do you look like hell ran you over ten times?" Josh asked annoyedly. He reached over to feel my forehead. "Shit, Stan, you're burning hot."

"Huh," I said weakly, pulling the sheets around me. "Well then, get me something to push this fever down. I promised Rae I'd be there when she arrives."

Josh hesitated for a bit then spoke in a measured tone.

"Sebastian. I think you need to stay here and rest. Once tomorrow rolls around, you won't have time for any until you get on a plane back to the US."

I just give him a pointed look and shook my head. "Get me those meds, Josh."

"You stubborn motherfucker," Josh carped and stormed out of the room. I know he wouldn't stay mad at me for long, but I still felt bad that I had to shove my foot down his throat to get what I wanted. I just couldn't not be there when Rae arrives, and besides, a little fever won't hurt me.

Four and a half hours later, after downing an insane dosage of the fever medicine and a nice cold shower, I felt better. Some color has returned to my cheeks enough for Rae not to notice, I hoped. Nonetheless, my seemingly hapless assistant still didn't look too pleased with me at all.

"You better get your police statement ready, because Leslie will kill me if you pass out cold one of these days," Josh said so irritably, and yet he reached for my forehead again to check if I was still warmer than normal. "You're lucky the hotel has a great doctor at their infirmary."

I take hold of Josh by his shoulder and gave him an apologetic smile before he got in the car. Ever since he started working for me eight years ago, he had been nothing but supportive of me. Somewhere along the way, he'd become one of my closest friends as well, and I just knew too well how much it pained him sometimes when my stubborn self imposed on him.

"Call time is at 8, lovebirds, make sure to get enough rest. Rae, your dress for tonight is in the closet together with Sebastian's clothes. Hair and make up will be here around six so make sure you've showered already by then. Leslie will see you at the event itself, said she had to make some last minute adjustments with Sebastian's schedule. Anything else you need me for before I go?" Josh asked after his little litany of instructions.

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