Chapter 19 - I'm Here, You're There

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A/N: I am in awe that people's interest in this story is picking up. And with that, it has moved up in Wattpad's rankings as well in just under three days! Thank you all so much! 



"Josh! Where's my phone?!" I nearly bark at my assistant/publicist who was currently out of my sight and doesn't seem to want to be found. I was feeling especially antsy today for some reason and the poor guy might be caught in the line of fire if he doesn't bring my phone straightaway.

It's only been two weeks since I left and I'm seriously experiencing a bad case of separation anxiety from Rae. The current 6 hour break I'm on wasn't helping as I don't have anything else to do but think of her, halfway across the world from me. I'd been doing interviews all morning and as soon as Chris and I were told we're through, my hands have been itching to get ahold of my phone. What the fuck is Josh taking too long?!

After a few more seconds, the person I was almost about to snap in two came into view, thankfully with my phone in hand. "Whoa, what's wrong with you?" he asks, but I ignore him instead, snatching the piece of technology from his grasp and walking to the balcony of my hotel room.

I managed to grumble out an apology and thanks while on the way out and slid the glass window shut behind me. I take a seat at one of the reclining chairs and dialled Rae on Facetime. It took a few rings before her sleepy face came on. I instantly felt the tension slip away as soon as her smile lit up my phone screen.

"Hi," Rae greeted me with a wide yawn, not even bothering to cover her mouth as she did so. I file it away as one more reason why I adore this woman so much. I smile back at her, widely even more so when I recognize my old Rutgers hoodie currently at least two sizes too big for her frame. I specifically made sure it was near the top of the pile inside one of my chest drawers with the hope that she'd eventually find it one day and wear it.

"I see you found my old college hoodie," I say pointedly. She blushes a bit, I think, but I couldn't really say for certain because of the low light and the sheer crimson of what she was wearing. "Is that the only thing you're wearing, regina mea?" (my queen)

Rae shifted her position and pulled off the covers over her to show me her bare legs which effectively answered my question. My breath hitched as she panned the camera from her feet up to her face.

"Like what you see, regele meu?" she responded, her voice low and throaty. I covered my face with my free hand. (my king)

I peel my hand off my face and find her sitting up, her hand lifted in front of the camera.

"Okay, okay, before you say anything, I just learned that before I fell asleep so don't murder me, okay?"

"'re just..." I was fumbling for what to tell her. Just when I thought she couldn't be any more amazing, she comes right back and smacks me in the face with another reason why.

"Did I say it right?" Rae asked as she looked at me expectantly.

"You were absolutely perfect," I managed to breathe out.

"Really?" she replied with awe in her voice. I nod vigorously.

"Oh good," she sighed with relief and reclined back against the headboard. "How's Japan?"

I run a hand over my head and sighed as well. "It's alright, I guess," I say as I looked in the horizon. The sun was in its final descent for the day and the skyline was bathed in shades of amber and gold beautifully contrasting with the blue sky and the seemingly silver glimmer of the buildings in front of it. "I wish you were here though. This sunset reminds of that afternoon in Singapore."

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