Chapter 25 - Overwhelmed

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A/N: Soooo...I'm sorry in advance if this were any of the following:
> made no sense

> too depressing

Feel free to let me know either way LOL



I got discharged before noon of the next day, and it was an understatement to say that there was a media circus outside of the hospital as I pulled Rae and I into the car that was to take us to my hometown of Constanța. I was thankful Mom was the first to leave, I didn't want to subject her to any of this, glad as well that she knew how to avoid the photographers.

We were to stay at my late grandmother's house, as we only lived in an apartment back when I was younger. Mom told me that one of my aunts had taken residence in it and that everything had been readied for our arrival.

It was a two-hour drive from Bucharest, and by the time we got there, both Rae and I were tired as dogs once again, the lack of sleep from the previous night catching up on both of us. Still, we didn't want to be rude to Aunt Mirela and joined her for lunch.

A feeling of relief washes over me as I saw Rae slowly but surely getting comfortable with my mother. As much as I wanted to eavesdrop on their conversation at the hospital, the medication I was on was far too strong for me to stay awake for long periods of time. Judging by the way Rae was smiling and conversing with Mom and Aunt Mirela, my mother had worked her miracle on my girl.

Despite still feeling a little exhausted, I was grinning like a dog as soon as Rae and I were alone in our shared room. She passes out a nonchalant grin back to me and walks past me to where her suitcase was. She lifts it and puts it on the bed to open it, rummaging through to find something else to change to. I took hold of her by the waist and spun her around so she was facing me.

"You look stupid," she attempts to say sternly, but I can see she was fighting a full on smile from coming out.

"No I don't," I say back, pulling her closer to me. "Mom is definitely something else, isn't she?"

"Don't you dare say it, Stan, I swear to God..."

"What?" I ask, feigning innocence. "Was I supposed to say something to you?"

"Ugh, I love you, but you can be a pain in my almost non-existent ass sometimes, you know that?"

My hands travel a little down south, resting on her jean-clad bottom, giving it a light squeeze to which she yelps a bit.

"Sweetheart, I beg to disagree. Your ass trumps the existence of my ass and I'm very happy about that," I say to her with a smirk. She lightly slaps my chest and then rests her hand and cheek over it.

"Will you be serious for a bit?" Rae mumbles into my chest. She looks up to me again and I fix her a proud gaze.

"Thank you," I finally say after staring at her for probably a good 30 seconds. "For trying. With Mom, I mean. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for you."

"A very caring and concerned friend actually talked me further into it, if I'm being honest," she says pointedly. I frown slightly at this, then it dawns on me right after who this said friend was, my face lighting up instantly. I then remember Josh talking to me when he returned with a bag full of food while my mother and Rae were out. The recollection of that douchebag ex of hers hurting Rae like he did made me want to punch him with my Winter Soldier metal arm until his face turned red.

"Well thank God for Josh then," I say back playfully, raising an eyebrow at her. "But seriously though, what a fucking prick that ex of yours was. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, sweetheart."

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