Chapter 11 - The First Fight

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I clenched and unclenched my jaw, shocked that Rae hung up on me without letting me say goodbye. These last few weeks have just been very tricky for both of us and I'm just barely keeping my sanity together so as not to snap at her. After these latest rounds of reshoots and press, Kevin Feige allowed some of us a month's worth of a break to decompress and refresh for the next round of press for the next movie. I've already made arrangements to fly out Rae to a private island in Malaysia, just the two of us. I just wished she could hold out for 3 more weeks. 3 more weeks of this horrible nightmare and we could be together again.

I squeeze my eyes shut and take deep breaths to calm my already frayed nerves. The reshoots were taking longer than scheduled and it's pushing back our other obligations. I was glad I got Chris and Mackie with me, otherwise I would've gone crazy by now.

"You alright there, jerk?"

Chris' voice permeates through my consciousness. I slowly open my eyes to find him take the seat beside me.

"Man, I don't know--Rae's mad at me again," I respond, my chest feeling heavy as I did so.


"It's this whole long distance thing that's messing us up, I knew I promised her we'd try and it's only been two months, but it's just so. Fucking. Hard," I answer through gritted teeth.

"Why the fuck do I have to fall for someone a fucking continent away?!" Chris lays a hand over my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. I turn to him and he's giving me a thoughtful look.

"What?" I huff out.

"Nothing. Didn't she say she got contacted by a magazine in Burbank for an editorial job or something a few weeks back?"

"Yeah, yeah, they really were interested in her work, she's going in for an interview today. They sent two reps to Manila for it," I reply. The wheels started turning in my head and things started to click into place. "Holy shit," I say softly, leaning forward, resting my elbow on my knees and covering my mouth with my hands. I look back up to Chris, slowly nodding enthusiastically.

"I've checked out some of her work before the site went dark. Sebastian, your girl is a fucking brilliant writer," Chris spoke. "Those dumbass suits would be making a huge mistake if they don't hire her."

"She is," I say wistfully. "I asked her how she'd write about our Singapore trip, and she emailed me something after two hours. It was fantastic Chris, the way she described everything we did that day, it was like you could smell the humid air, taste the crazy ice cream flavors, it was as if all three of us were there again when I read it. I was blown away."

"Yeah, you were pretty smitten that day. You both were. If I wasn't having a blast myself, it almost felt like you were on a date with her and I was the pathetic third wheel," Chris said, chuckling.

"Do I still need to tell you what to do? Or am I gonna haul your dumb ass again?"

I shook my head. I wish Raewould have good news for me later.

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