Chapter 47 - Laid Bare

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A/N: Just a few more for this and I'm done! Thanks for your love and support!

Warning: NSFW in the latter parts :) It's a challenge for me to write the scene I wrote below, but I hope it isn't too bad...lemme know what you think? :)



I was jolted awake when I heard Rae moaning and mumbling in her sleep. I immediately sat up and saw her forehead creased and tears streaming from her eyes.

"Oh shit," I mutter worriedly before gently putting my hands on her shoulders to try and wake her. She let out a long agonizing scream of pain before her eyes shot open. She grabs my arms to pull herself into a sitting position and I wrap them around her. She cried for a good 10 minutes or so and I let her, murmuring words of reassurance that she's safe with me and no one's gonna harm her. It made me wonder what she dreamt about.

I knew it was a terrible nightmare when she didn't even finish and started crying back up again.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I shouldn't have asked yet, you're okay, alright? Our baby's safe," I say to her as I let her cling to me for the rest of the afternoon.

I felt bad the following morning upon seeing her red rimmed, puffy eyes. Damn that nightmare did a number on her.

"Good morning," I say. "I hope you're hungry." I gesture to the breakfast spread I had Josh buy for us. Rae nods and pads over to me to give me a hug.

"You not tired of me yet?"

I chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "Not by a long shot. Now," I say as I guide her to a seat. "You need to eat, you were so exhausted yesterday. Dr. Sanders will kill me if she finds out."

"Well I won't tell if you won't too," she responds in a conspiratorial tone and we both laugh.

We eat in silence for a few minutes, me with an extra layer of relief at seeing her appetite after what had gone down yesterday.

"Are you feeling better?" I ask, testing the waters so to speak. She nods before taking a sip of orange juice.

"I am yes, thank you baby. I'm sorry if I scared you yesterday. It's just...the nightmare felt so real and..I dunno, I guess, with what's going on as well, I just got so terrified."

I reach for her hand across the table and give it a tight squeeze. "You know I'd turn the world upside down first before I let anything happen to you and our baby."

"I love you," Rae says before kissing the back of my hand.

"And I love you," I say back. "Now go finish that breakfast, I didn't have anything planned for today except lying in our bed and catching up on everything we missed on Netflix."

We were halfway through re-watching one of the Captain America movies when my phone rings. Rae instinctively mutes it before I take the call. Seeing the number on the screen, I put it on speaker so she could hear as well. It was one of the detectives we spoke with yesterday. He did as promised to call us back as soon as they had word on the ongoing investigation of our case.

"Hi Detective Anderson," I say in greeting. "What's up?" I tried to keep the nervousness in my voice. Rae mouths an 'it's okay' and gives me a reassuring smile.

"Hello Mr. Stan, sorry to bother you, I just wanted to give you an update on the investigation."

He then proceeds to tell us that they dug further into the mysterious phone call yesterday and was able to trace who was the person who had the burner phone. The dumbass apparently haphazardly threw the receipt from the purchase of the burner phone, inadvertently leading the police to the store where it was bought from. After showing them a warrant, it was smooth sailing from there to find out who prank called my fiancé.

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