When the rain washes you clean

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Damon didn't care who would be his first victim of the day, and the vervain was wearing off, he went on a blood binge. He wanted to do celebrate that he is still there, and be his reckless self. Whenever things didn't turn the way he had planned, the only way he knew how to deal with pain was to kick and scream and do something he would later regret deep inside of him. Although he was the older brother, he always found that Stefan was better than him in all that he did and had done. Father favoured his younger brother since he was born. After their mother's death, even more.

And when he thought he would have a day of complete indulgence and absolute freedom to do as he pleased, Rebekah stood in front of him, telling the poor woman Damon got hold off to leave, compelling her to forget about what she had experienced.

"Do you seriously want to leave a trail of bodies behind you?!"

"What do you care. My brother will sort this out. He is good at that. Maybe your brother will help him with it. You will have to go around and compel the whole town so they never knew that I plan to party and have a great time." he hissed at her.

Being stronger than he was she grabbed him and pinned him to a neighbouring tree.

"I am not happy about all that had happened in the last few days. But, this is suicide. You've already pissed Elijah off."

"Why do you care- and why should I give a damned about you Original lot. Your dear brother is not happy about you running that car with Elena and Matt down to the river!"

"Elijah would never hurt me- but you...hm...that's a different matter, and you are too hot, to be wasted like that."

"I know you get off on playing the dominant one- but it's not doing anything for me." Damon spat back at her.

She eased the grip now and looked at his eyes now compelling him to give up on the binge. Then she let him go.

He stood in front of her and cursed her for spoiling his fun.

"Elena is NOT the only woman...what is wrong with you all?!" the blonde Original said angrily.

"You know what, you actually are not far from the truth. Katherine, Elena...same- only maybe she talks more sweetly and that's about it. They both walk over your heart."

"See " Rebekah said.

"Anyway, where were you?"

Now things have calmed down and they talked as if they were best buddies.

"I had to lay low a few days. Elijah can get really angry. You never saw him when he is really angry...and I saw that he got her out of the water and...well, she wasn't feeling good."

She is right as rain now- and she is with your brother!" Damon exclaimed.

"I know.I saw them"

"Well, that went really fast. She's been playing little innocent for months. Elijah comes back and hop-she is in his bed!"

"How do you know they are in bed- that is not Elijah's style. He likes to court them."

"Court them? Please, who does that anymore?!"

"Elijah does!" Rebekah filled him in. "You really don't know anything...they have been meeting before the Ball. He chivalrously saved her from me."

"You're not kidding?!" Damon looked at the blonde.

"Nope!" she confirmed it with assurance.

In the Gilbert's house, Elijah and Elena were reveling in the moment after having disclosed how they felt and showered each other with kisses. The intensity of their hightened emotions took over, and Elena not being able to control hers either they found themselves in her room. She pulled the jacket and the shirt off of him in the manner she never thought she was capable of doing. He stopped for a second but Elena just pulled him onto her, kissing him insatiably. All of a sudden she pushed him away, still breathing heavy she started apologizing, covering herself up with a blanket and straightening her hair. He did the same.

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