You got to lose to know how to win

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Katherine found herself thinking what to do. she had nothing, no friends, no boyfriend, no home, no special interests. All she knew was how to get by, or indulge in all this world had to offer and she had done it million times over. She escaped Klaus goons easily. Now that he was away, and she had some kind of freedom, she wanted all she so claimed was for those who revell in a mediocre life. She wanted all Elena had. She didn't necessarily wanted to be like her, but the girl in her wanted to be loved. Now she had to taste what she had put Damon through, and she knew it.

"But not today."- she said to herself. She called a realestate broker.

"Yes...I want a house...I kind of have an idea...good!"- she toddled off happily to meet the person.

On the other side of the planet, the shamans had woken the clan of the Hunding they secured their position with coven of witches who used to be the clan's charm.

"You once ruled and you will rule again. The whole place is infested with vampires, but no more their time has come to an end!"- the shaman spoke to the head of the clan- "your transformation into human form is now complete- unlike the werewolves- you can shift at night time.

"There is only one problem," a witch said, "there is a race of hybrid werewolf/vampire that could be a match to the Hunding!"

"They cannot procreate anymore as the clan's hybrid is walking in the spirit world now and he needs the blood of the doppelgaenger, and she should be dead by now."- the shaman explained to her- "also vampires don't make alliances with anyone, nor do they live in packs, they cannot be organized."

"What of the Original vampire family?"-the Hunding leader asked.

"Nothing can kill them, except a white oak dagger, but that is destroyed. Only the blood of the doppleganger could be used by a witch who knows Expression to create a new one made out of white oak."

"We are hundreds and they are only three of them left, one of them is female."- the witch said.

"Don't be fooled by the female, she is as strong as her brothers, and will stand by them no matter what the cost" the shaman said.

"We shouldn't have killed the doppelganger then."- the witch said.

"Maybe. But siring hybrids was far too dangerous than the Originals would ever be.The werewolf bite is lethal to them. The only thing the vampires have is agility, speed, and they are a constant."- the shaman replied.

"They killed the werewolves in their human form!"- the leader said.

"They did! They also have powerful witches on their side working for them. They are very sly, nevertheless!"

The danger that Eilif picked upon months ago from the nature's whisper came true. As a being that dwelled between the world of men and the world of keepers of universe, living in the place the humans called heaven, but in actual fact her home was the wind, the river, the woods, the mountains, the gletschers, the meadows, she was the keeper of nature, she could see and hear things but she was never to meddle, unless the elders ordered so in certain occasions. This time she could not stand by and let her son, nor his cousins be not warned of the danger that was arising. She could have left him clues, but her mother's heart prevailed. She wanted to step out many times and made herself known to him, especially after he had become a vampire. That had changed so much for her. Becoming a supernatural being, she could more easily follow him. Introducing her as his mother to his beloved startled Eilif as much as it did Elena and Caroline.

Elena looked at him with eyes that said OMG. Caroline's jawed dropped a mile and she was speechless. They should have been used to the family secrets, as so much had been kept from them as well.

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