It's another day

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Sophie examined Jeremy, who looked at himself in the mirror. 

"You are fine!"- she said-"medically...magically- how do you feel?" 

"This tatoo is now permanent?!..."- he looked at her and said-"fine!"-

"Fine?! Right?!... did you see someone in your trance- because this  was done from somewhere..."- Sophie looked at him wanting answers. 

"I saw five witches, I think... but it was mostly their voices...and you know what it is strange I thought I saw someone looking like my dad... but maybe I was imagining it... I don't know..." 

"Ok...just let me know if you feel strange... and we will deal with it!"

Sophie then left him with Matt.

It was Eilif's doing, Sophie was sure of it. She was amazed that all their  ancestors came together so many centuries ago and now it was their turn to join forces and fight the same enemy. People usually don't believe in circumstances and coincidences. Witches do. Everything is  entertwined. The Deveraux, the Gilbert's, the Mikaelson's and Elijah's father  were in the convenant when fighting against the Hundings so many centuries before.  

She returned to the kitchen, where Kol was waiting for her already.

"What's the commotion?"- he asked. 

She looked at him and not answering his question simply passed him by and got the syringe out and an ampule with  the bloodroot mixture. 

"Here"- she said commanding- "pull up the sleeve!" 

Kol looked at her putting an eyebrow up and then  pulled the sleeved up as she had  asked. 

"Not in a good mood...why is that?" - he said  as she administrated the injection. 

"The reports are no good. I have a bunch of young unexperienced vampires who are actually in disarray and we are fighting a hoard of very powerful packs of hounds. I will be sending them to slaughter!" 

"Hey... I thought you were tough- you have your work cut out for you?!"- Kol tried to pick her spirits up. 

"Really... look at you- like this you can't go out to hunt- or face anyone..." 

"You need some sleep- real sleep...go- and use my room for a couple of hours- nothing will change much... and ahm... a few vampires more or less, who really cares...come on... our mother will be rejocing in her new grave- someone is finally putting the numbers down..." 

"They say vampires are hundred percent full of themselves...why am I surprised... I am tired because now I am talking nonsense!" 

"Exactly... I will hold the fort for you...and see if Rebekah has found the damned cure- so we can get some hybrid packs on our side... how long does Elijah need to find Klaus...aren't we getting help from his mother?!" 

Sophie took a book to take with her, and he got hold of the book in her hand. 

"If you take a book- you will not be sleeping!" 

She blazed with her beautiful brown eyes at him and took off. He was right. A few hours here and there on the bench in the kitchen were not enough. Unlike the rest of them she was very much human and needed to feel refreshed to be able to function to full capacity.

He went after her.

"It's the one overlooking the yard!"- he explained where his room was. 

She nodded and went to the room.

Then he got on the phone and dialled Rebekah's number.

"I know you love England...but it's not time to admire its green and pleasant meadows..." 

Fire in the Water (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now