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Time: 4:40am
Setting: 7/11

Ara's attention snapped from her phone screen to the entrance. Three young men walked in, the bell chiming overhead. Again, Ara was a little confused as to why they were all wearing black. Was it the group of guys from before?

...But this time there were less. Last time, there had to be at least seven.

Nonetheless, Ara slipped her phone in her uniforms' pocket. Her boss had noticed her gradual increase of her on the phone, and to her surprise said she could be on the phone, just not in front of customers.

Maybe he was pitying her, noticing that it was probably the only time he saw her interacting with someone other than customers.

It didn't matter, anyway.

Ara's eyes followed the three men. They took their time, and joked loudly, one hitting the other one on the back too hard and knocking the chips and sodas out of his hands.

The chips were fine, but the sodas... Not so much. They fizzed, the sound of eruption silencing the three while they froze.

"Why aren't we moving and saying anything," one whispered, nudging the other one.

"Because!" the other said, exasperated, "if we make any sudden movemen-"

The sodas exploded, caps hitting the selves and Cola pouring onto the tiled ground. While the three watched in astonishment, too surprised to do anything, Ara sighed and dug around in the closet behind her.

Feeling suddenly pressured, she hesitantly walked up to the mess with a janitor's mop and bucket, cursing at the cleaner who always came late into work.

"I'll do it," the guy with a cap grabbed the mop from her hand, before the other guy snatched it from her.

"No," he insisted, "I'll do it."

The shortest one, but somehow the one that seemed to have the most intimidating presence grabbed it out of his hands.

"Because our friend likes this girl," he declared, smacking the mop on the spilt soda with dramatic effects, "I will volunteer my labor."

The other two didn't resist and instead laughed, leaving Ara confused and puzzled. Their friend? Her? She gave a quick glance around the shop, both looking for her boss or someone else they could've been referring to.

"Guys-" she tried to get their attention, but they spoke loudly amongst themselves, their laughter tuning out her soft-spoken voice.

"Um, hey," she tried to tap the guy closest to her, but was not noticed. Ara glanced up at the camera pointed in her direction.

Frustrated and half fearing she'd lose her job, she stomped her foot and clenched her fists, "GUYS! EXCUSE ME!"

Immediately, they ceased their bantering and silence overcame them. They all stared at her? wide-eyed and eyebrows raised.

Ara regretted her decision and felt her face redden.

"I-um need that," she gestured to the mop, "I'll get scolded if a customer cleans."

Without saying a word, the guy handed the mop back to her, but most of the spill was already cleaned.

Ara glanced back up at them. They still looked shocked, their mouths agape. Helplessly and wanting to just go home already, she tried to slide past one of the guys, but felt herself rub against the guy's waist.

Letting out a loud hiccup, she shuffled quickly away, trying to escape her embarrassment, but alas, Ara was one to have bad luck.

She slipped on a bottle cap, feeing herself lose traction.

No, nobody magically caught her. Ara wasn't that kind of heroine.

Instead, she fell tragically and hard on her butt. It cushioned the fall, her butt that is, but she just happened to fall on the left over soda.

Again, silence haunted the store and Ara looked up, wincing at her sheer and utter embarrassment.

Of course, their expression hadn't changed. If anything, they looked more mortified than anything.

Look, Ara wasn't a sensitive person. Really, she isn't. She had been through enough to make her grow thick skin, and was mostly immune to public embarrassment.

Excluding this.

Before she knew it, her eyes started watering. Oh boy. She felt herself crying, and she couldn't have done anything to stop it. It was like her body was ignoring what she was telling to do.

You'd think her brain would've realized that crying would've added more to her embarrassment.


Ara helplessly tried wiping away her tears with her sleeves, trying to hold her breath in order to refuse more from falling.

"Oh," somebody finally spoke, their voice sympathetic, "look what you did, Yoongi."


"Shut up, both you," the third voice interrupted. He bent down into a crouch in front of Ara. Almost reflex like, she paused to stop rapidly rubbing her eyes and peered up, blurry vision distorting the guys face.

She swore she could've seen him somewhere before. College?

"Are you okay?" he placed a hand on her shoulder, probably to help her up, but didn't realize it would cause Ara to release the breath she was holding. It came out like a sob, and shook her body violently.

"Ah!" one exclaimed, "move out of they way, you're scaring her!"

The guy was pushed, and a new face appeared, bright and wide eyed. He looked nervous but worried, and held out his hand nonetheless.

Slightly hesitating, Ara grasped his hand and he pulled her up, gently balancing her.

Her tears had slown down, and she felt the adrenaline leaving her body. But thank God she was wearing black pants, otherwise a soda stain right on her butt would've been horrifying to see.

"Um," the one who helped her up caught her attention. "We're sorry. This is all our fault."

"Yeah, man. Everytime we come we destroy things. Last time you fell and Taehyung landed on top of-"

"Namjoon!" the other hissed. "Shut up!"

"Now he's gonna know," Yoongi-Ara overheard his name earlier-whined. "Great going."

"He already knew when we left," he rolled his eyes.

"You guys know Taehyung?" Ara managed to squeak out, surprise making her blink rapidly.


"Yes," Namjoon and Yoongi said at the same time. They glared at each other.

The other guy sighed and shook his head at them, "it's already obvious." He turned to look at Ara.

"Yes, we do."


ahhh tysm for the support recently ❤️💞
sorry for delayed updates ive had so many state tests this week it's unbelievable. i have one more to go tomorrow. yikes

anyways sorry if there's any errors, i'll be revising it tonight :)

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