thirty four

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Ara's presence began to become a norm at the studio. She would often sit in during dance practices, away and off to the side where she couldn't be a distraction. Her eyes would follow Taehyung, who moved around with such bluntness and polished excellence it was hypnotizing. Sometimes, she would occupy Taehyung during recordings or meetings but never once got away. Or at least, so she hoped. 

To the staff, she became a regular. At first, everyone was wary of her. Worries about her getting Taehyung into trouble would accumulate and often times she could be ignored because of it. They thought her to be a temporary thing Taehyung was having. It wasn't until some time and generosity from Ara's side that made the staff start treating her like their own. She volunteered to help with basic things; like carrying stylist's bags, cleaning up, or simply bringing them coffee. 

Taehyung insisted that she didn't have to, but she felt like if she were to just show up and leave, it would be rude. 

Of course, with the other members of BTS, it was another story. All of them had seen her before, but hadn't really known her. It was obvious that they were curious. Sometimes Jin would slip away from everyone else and join Ara. He would talk to her and joke around. Naturally, the members befriended her despite some taking longer. 

And today was just like the rest. Ara sat near the furthermost corner of the room as BTS ran through another practice they've done over thirty times in two weeks. No, they weren't suffering or too exhausted, but Ara could see how hard they worked. They were sweaty and paused to get water every now and then. 

She looked down at her phone and scrolled through her calendar. Today marked four months of her and Taehyung dating. She had gone back to college while Taehyung would be busy with his schedule, and which didn't leave them much time to hang out.  Within that time period, BTS began planning and preparing for their new album and world tour. 

The first date rang in her head every day along with the last tour date when they'd be back home. It was such a long time. So much work for them, too. 

Ara shut her eyes and rested her head against the wall. Was she being selfish for feeling... melancholy? Taehyung was excited to visit other places and to see his fans. His smile was wide and huge when the company announced a world tour. She knew he loved his job. His career. 

But she loved him, and despite the two already being more then comfortable together, she wasn't sure if he loved her back. Even thinking this made her head throb. She was overthinking and being selfish, wasn't she? Taehyung also adored spending time with her as much as he loved being with BTS. 

She knew that he would also get lonely when she would be at college, busy taking exams and doing projects. He would text her rapidly. Eventually, Ara had to buy a portable phone charger because Taehyung insisted being on facetime even during her lectures when he could do nothing but watch her take notes.

In all honesty, Ara never had a serious relationship before. She had a few boyfriends and maybe a girlfriend or two before, but never did they take the route it was going with Taehyung. It was only four months of them dating, and a year of them knowing each other. Maybe she was rushing things. She didn't need to worry about Taehyung. He was grown and could decide on his own. 

"You okay?" Taehyung's rough voice broke her thoughts. He plopped himself down beside her, huffing out breaths and pushing his sweaty hair back. 

"Yeah..." Ara felt a sting for hiding. 

Taehyung raised an eyebrow at her, "I can tell when you're lying, you know." 

She knew that. She kept quiet and decided to watch the other members. Yoongi sat down on one of the chairs they brought in, scrolling through an app on his phone. Jimin and Jungkook stretched their muscles while speaking quietly. Namjoon, Jin, and Hoseok played around, staring at themselves in the mirror and doing exaggerated poses. In just fifteen minutes, they would repeat more dance routines over again. 

"Seriously, what's wrong?" 

Ara turned to look at Taehyung. His face was worried, eyebrows furrowed and lips pulled into a frown. If only he hadn't been all sweaty, she would have leaned in and kissed the concern off his face. He had other things to worry about. 

"Is it the world tour?" Taehyung's words made her stop breathing. How'd he guess so easily? 

"Me too," he continued. "I've been thinking about it a lot, too. What if you just come with us?" 

Ara bit her lip and tried her best to look at him, "College." 

"I knew that," he sounded sad. Disappointed. He was sad. And so was Ara. College took up an awful amount of time and dedication, and so did Taehyung's career. They both knew that in the beginning. Even though it wasn't written in words or spoken aloud, they knew the dangers of their relationship. 

It was silent for a moment. 

"Can't you just take off a semester?" he whispered, reaching over to play with the sleeve of her hoodie and eventually encasing her hand with his. "Please come with us." 

"I'll lose my scholarship and job," Ara shut her eyes, unable to meet his eyes. 

"I can handle that," he was almost pleading. "Please, Ara. I want you to experience what I love." 

Ara gripped his hand, "I'm not going to accept any money you try giving me, Taehyung." 

It was already set in stone. Ara refused any help he offered. Maybe it was rude, but Ara didn't want to take anything from his and BTS' hardwork. She wasn't worth it. 

He whined and his fingers loosened, "So you don't want to come with me?" 

"It's not that I don't want to come, Taehyung," Ara felt offended he would think that. "It's that I can't." 

"What would I do? Just hang around in the shadows? I would only get in the way. Is that the way you want it to go? I would be a burden for both you and your company," she couldn't stop herself. Everything that had been building up was falling apart. 

Taehyung went eerily silent, his hand frozen in hers as he digested her words. Without warning, he got up quickly with an unreadable expression on his face. 

"Taehyung? Where are you going?" Ara felt her heart ache. She shouldn't have said those things. He was just trying to help. 

"To settle things."



....damn... 11k? y'all... really out here... reading this....

so how do you guys feel about this chapter?

i had more responses of a happy ending than a sad ending. i'm 99.9% sure imma go with that. next chapter may be the last... y'all ready?

Taehyung's Wrong Number - BTS FanficWhere stories live. Discover now