Chapter 5 - Back on Earth

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Htgjivgyhfrcytcggth!!! What does it mean? Your guess is as good mine. I will never address it again. Sorry about not keeping my promise... Blaragle.

Rick owns characters, plot etc.

Not many people are reading this sequel... :( I want to have it shared around, cause after all, literally only three people read it. Plus, since i do this on an iPod touch on wattpad app, I can't dedicate. So I'll just say who I would dedicate to.

This chapter? thatdamnfangirl09, for commenting on every chapter thus far.

Time: Unknown. Date: Unknown. / Location: Unknown. Log: Jason Grace.

Jason was surprised to see Hazel. She was dragged it by a cyclops, unconscious. Jason was overjoyed to see someone else, after being cooped up inside the cell for... He didn't even know. He got up and took a few steps towards her, when the cyclops raised his hand in his direction. Jason stopped and stood still.

"Lord Porphyrion would like to see you." Announced the cyclops.

Jason started. He'd known he'd eventually have to face the giant king, though he'd always thought it would be later, not now, when he was unarmed. He stood stiffly, trying to mask his fear. The cyclops reached to grab his arm, but Jason yanked it away and glared at said monster.

"Just get moving, Scum." The monster growled, jabbing him in the back.

He walked out onto a featureless stone corridor, lit with the occasional torch and covered in thick moss. Try could have walked a hundred meters or a kilometre, it was so featureless. It looked so similar. Jason tried to summon lightening, but nothing happened. He felt another force blocking him. Then they headed into a huge cavern. Jason suddenly had a cold feeling in his gut as e looked up... The cavern was filled with the presence of Gaia. Jason gasped as he took in the scale of the cavern. The ceiling reached up endlessly. It had to be bloody enormous.

"Wow..." He muttered.

"Impressive, init?" Replied the cyclops, giving him a quick jab in the back, herding him towards a small chair.

Jason stared up at the huge shadow behind the chair. It had to be Porphyrion. He wondered why they wanted him to sit in that chair. He stopped as he stared up at Porphyrion's shadow.

"Scared?" Asked the cyclops.

""N-nope." Jason replied, wishing it were true.

"Well, you should be."

The cyclops led Jason to the chair, then gestured for him to sit. Jason sat, albeit cautiously. Instantly, tendrils leapt from the ground and tied him tight against the chair. There were heavy footsteps, a large person approaching. Porphyrion. He leaned down in front of him, giving Jason a nice view of his ugly face.

"Jason Grace." Said the giant in a deep voice.

His breath washed over Jason like a three week old dumpster. He gagged on the stench.

"Phroar! Ever heard of mouthwash, Big guy?" He said.

The giant growled loudly, like a dinosaur. The large chamber echoed the sound.

"Do you know why I brought you here, demigod?" Asked Porphyrion.

"Hmm. Im guessing that you are going to use my blood to awaken Gaia, presumably Hazel too, and then we're all going to have a bad day and get screwed over by that." Jason said, without breaking eye contact.

"No. I will face you again, but unless we have the son of Poseidon and daughter of Athena, you will be sacrifices. I want to know who you are, demigod. You stood before me once, and nearly killed me. I want to know who my enemy is." Porphyrion stated.

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