Chapter 8 - To fire

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0523 hours, Greenwich mean time. August first. Camp Half Blood. Log: Reyna Ramírez-Arellano.

Smoke filled the air. There a roar of flames in the air as several cabin smouldered in the night. Reyna staggered through the black smoke, choking. This was crazy. Smoke made everything impossible to see. All around her, monsters and demigods staggered around in the smoke. The monsters, or Formorii, as they were called, had blown up the Athena/Minerva cabin, killing around half of them. That had roused the rest of the campers, just as a huge army had arrived and started attacking. It wasn't just Celtic monsters, it was a combo of some other kind of monsters: Presumably Egyptian.

Reyna lay flat on the ground and caught her breath in the slightly purer air. She coughed once, then stood up and ran on. Suddenly she was outside the column of smoke. She breathed deeply, clearing her head of the smoke. She looked back at the camp. Barely visible amongst the smoke, cabins smouldered. There were shouts and cries, as well as metal on metal clashes.

Suddenly there was a revving sound, and she spun in a circle. What looked to be a huge... humming bird? Was swooping down on her. She stared in shock, then her instincts took over, And she threw herself forward, right under the thing, dodging its wings, and she thrust her knife directly into its stomach. It gave a caw of rage and turned to sand.

"Wierd cultural differences between us and Egyptians" laughed Reyna, only for herself to hear.

She failed to notice the Formorii sneaking up on her until... Wham! The monster bowled her over. She stared in shock until her battle instincts took over. She rolled and stabbed the Formorii in the leg, but the creature was armoured. Too armoured. It swatted the blade out of her hand effortlessly. It pushed her backwards into a tree. She spat and rose to her feet and dove for her knife, only to have the Formorii grab her head and slam it into a tree. She slumped and collapsed.

"You are weak! And disgusting! You disgust me to no end! I expected more!" The creature yelled.

Reyna tried to get up, but she couldn't. Was she paralysed? Or was she too exhausted to move? The Formorii raised his knife. Then he plunged it into her stomach. Reyna jerked, then fell to her side and curled around the blade protruding from her stomach.

The Formorii snorted in disgust and headed down the hill. Reyna watched with closing eyes as Camp half blood burned in the night. She tasted the metallic taste of blood her mouth. Suddenly, the world shook. Reyna forced her eyes to open, to no avail.

Watch your world burn. Whispered a voice in her ear. Gaia...

And then she was gone.

1049 hours, Greenwich Mean Time / Day four of Formorii realm stay. Location: Unknown. Log: Calypso 'Bush Sniper'

Calypso smashed away a bush with her rifle. As she walked on, suddenly the forest seemed to melt away, revealing a huge smokestack. She had dived into the bush behind her and calmed herself. After a minute of that, she poked her rifle out and stared at the smokestack through the scope of rifle. The smokestack was the top of a huge factory. Random weapons from different ages were churned out. Rifles, SMGs, Cannon, spears and clubs.

"Eyes on... Got the factory." She reported.

Within minutes, the rest had arrived all around her.

"Lets blow this sucker up." Snarled Jimmy. "Take the shot."

Calypso zoomed up on a Formorii clad in gold armour. Then she exhaled and squeezed. The Formorii was ripped in half. His torso slammed into ground a few meters away. Calypso calmly reloaded the bolt and selected another target. Another Formorii down. The rest of the squad slid down the slope towards the factory.

"What's the plan? "Asked Frank.

"Use this remote explosive C-29 to make a huge dent in the factory and collapse it! The smoke will create a huge beacon for them at the base to find." Jimmy replied.

They hit the bottom of the slope. The Formorii stared in shock. The humans opened fire. Jimmy's rifle tore several Formorii apart with 8.12mm bullets, while Frank became a dragon and tore apart several others. Calypso's rifle exploded so many times and there were so many dead, headless monsters, not just Formorii staggering around, and Britanny was stabbing and Olah blasting and it all was so confusing. Everyone else was shorting or stabbing... stabbing... stabbing...

They fought inwards and arrived at the central spire. This was the pillar holding up the factory, and while Jimmy planted the C-29, The rest stood around and blasted their attackers to dust and death...

"Got it! 30 second detonation, any more and they could disarm it." Jimmy suddenly said.

And they ran for the hill, they way they'd came. Time seemed to slow. They ran. Calypso slammed her rifle into a monster, barged over another and ran on... But the forest seemed to get no closer and suddenly she looked back. Ad if in slowmotion, the factory exploded outwards and fire spread out towards them. She stared at it and watched her life flash before her eyes. It was surprisingly long. Well, considering that it was a 3000 year life. The the flames and the shock hit her and sent her spinning head over heels.


I could give a million reasons why this update took so long... So sorry. I will try to update every day now, but you know about me and my promises.

Reasons for long update:

1.My laptops audio driver died and i had to download and find a replacement.

2. I got carried away with an FTL mod I was working on.

3. I got back into YouTube and started uploading videos again.

Rick owns characters, plot, etc.


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