Chapter 17 - Resurection by green things

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So yeah... No comments or votes on the last chapter. But at least some reads! Sigh... Ah well. That really gave me modivation. #Obvioussarcasmisobvious

In other news, this book will be finished in about few more chapters, which is good news. For me.

Time: Unknown. Location: Column room, Celtic "Mountain" base. Log: Frank Zhang

Frank woke up. That surprised him, the fact he did wake up at all. He pinched his arm. Pain. So it wasn't a dream. He opened his eyes. He was lying on a cold tile floor. There was a horrible smell. It was the smell of death and decay. He was surrounded by dead bodies, dozens of them. He gagged and rose to his knees. What he saw was something that came from horror films. He was surrounded by hundreds of bodies. Then his memories came rushing back. How they'd found the bodies and how they'd fought.

Frank got to his feet. The air was cold. It felt as though the ghost of everyone who had dies here was still here, staring at him. For the first time in his life he was absolutely terrified. He didn't know what was scaring him, just that he was really, really scared. He felt the back of his head. He was missing all the hair on the back of his head. There were traces of blood there, and scabbed over skin. Apparently, he'd been hit in the back of the head with something sharp. He had no idea what.

He looked around at the bodies that surrounded him. Then he spotted Leo. Frank froze. Then he slowly walked over to Leo. Leo was cold and had three spears planted in his stomach. Frank didn't want to believe what his eyes told him. But there was no denying it. Leo was dead. Frank reached a hand over Leo's face and closed his eyes. Frank noticed Calypso lying nearby. She lay in a pool of her own blood. Frank turned away and headed to the central column. He passed several familiar faces. Dead. All dead.

He reached a control panel. Bob lay beside it. Both his eyes were closed and his right hand lay on the control panel. It looked as though he was trying to reach the hand shaped button on the panel. It was his final wish, after all, Frank thought as he reached out and pressed his hand into the button.

There was a faint hiss. The room quietened. All that Frank could hear was the beating of his heart. Then the column began to rotate. Green particles appeared, and they began to spin around the column. Frank raised his hand and touched one. It healed a cut on his hand. So, apparently it was some kind of healing particle. If only all the dead were actually injured.

The column spun faster, and so did the particles. Frank stared at them, mystified about their purpose.

Maybe they could resurrect all the dead...

Frank banished the thought. The celts were all science, not magic. There was no way that they could have devised a weapon that could bring all back to life. No way. There were no happy endings here. Suddenly the column stopped spinning. The particles froze, hanging in the air. Magical.

Suddenly a huge ball of particles exploded from the top of the column. It flew up to the ceiling and the ball itself exploded. The green particles rained down. Frank had never felt so good. The particles healed all his woes. Frank would find a way back to the real world, And he would make Gaia and her allies pay. So dearly pay.

0532 hours, August seventh/ The last day. The ruins of Mount Olympus. Log: Jason Grace.

Jason crouched behind a fallen pillar. Mount Olympus was noting but ruin, and very little remained, aside from the throne room. Even that had little remaining. Jason broke from cover, evaded the Formorii lasers and slammed into an unsuspecting cyclops. He climbed its back as it grunted in surprise, then slammed his sword into the cyclopes' head.

It dissolved to dust. Jason rolled and jumped into ruin of a wall. There were several cracks as the beams of energy exploded off the wall. Jason then spotted a laser dropped by a fallen Formorii. Jason lunged forward, grabbed it, then ran back to cover. Another laser nearly took off his head. He sighed and ducked, lying almost flat on the ground.

He took a deep breath and raised the rod of metal, sighed the Formorii and fired. The shot blew the monster on his ass. It lay still. Jason discarded the weapon and headed back to the throne room. He'd done enough guerrilla for today. The throne room had lost its roof and the floor was very cracked. About one hundred and fifty demigods were left. They'd sustained several losses. They had not seen any of the giants, but they were certain Gaia was awake, but she couldn't do anything to them while they were up in Olympus.

There were five of the seven left. Frank and Leo. Dead. After all they'd been through. It wasn't fair. Jason walked into the throne room. There was no roof, and fires raged in several places. Despite all, the twelve thrones were immaculate. Any debris that touched them seemed to dissolve. A campfire was burning in the centre. He sat down beside Piper. She didn't notice.

"Hey." He said.

Piper smiled and the two shared a brief kiss, then Jason sat down to discuss what he'd seen outside.

"There's little activity out there. Just a few Formorii." Jason said as he warmed his hands on the fire.

Someone passed him a bottle of water. He thanked whoever it was and drank it in less than a second. Everything was running out. Food and water was nearly gone. Just a bottle of water was a delicacy. Suddenly Nico appeared behind Jason. Jason jumped.

"All the monsters are gone, except for a huge giant who..."

There was a roar outside, and a bellow.

"JASON GRACE! I CHALLENGE YOU!" The voice bellowed.

Jason's blood ran cold. Porphyrion.

"To challenge Jason to single combat." Nico finished.

Time: Unknown. Location: Main chamber room: Celtic "Mountain" Base. Log: Leo Valdez.

Leo awoke. Which was a surprise to him. He sat up. The spears lodged in his stomach fell out. From above, green particles rained. Leo raised his hand and watched the particles land and be absorbed into his hand.

Next thought. His mouth and throat were full of blood from the wounds, and the green particles didnt get rid of the blood. He rose to hands and knees and began coughing up the blood. All around him he could hear others doing the same. When his airways were clear, he sat back.

"Leo!!!" Frank yelled, and slammed into him and crushed him with a hug.

He lifted Leo a clear foot off the ground.

"Oh kay... Big man, Frank, you can put me down now." Leo said, patting him awkwardly on the back.

Frank put him down.

"You were dead! All of you! Dead! Then you came back!" Frank said happily.

"So I'm a ghost? cool." Leo said, then raised his arms in a ghostlike pose. "Woooooo"

Calypso then tackled him from behind with another hug, crushing the wind out him. She was sobbing, and Leo could feel her tears on his shoulder.

"Alright people!" Bob yelled, raising his gun. "Lets go!"

The group marched out of the chamber and down the halls to the hangar. They met two monsters. One Celt ran and knocked the laser out of its hands, then slammed his spear through its stomach. The other was torn to pieces by combined gunfire.


Wow. That update was a long time coming. Sorry, but school is a real pain in the ass.

Thank you to SumWaiSiu for your message. It inspired me to finish this. BOO comes out 3 October I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.


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