Chapter 9 - And now, ducks

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1038 hours, Greenwich mean time/Day six of Formorii realm stay. Location: Celtic "Mountain" Base. Log: Percy Jackson

Percy awoke from a dream filled of horrors of what could be happening to Hazel ever since he... well... sold her out. It went against everything he stood for... and his fatal flaw. He didnt want to... well, he didn't know how to describe it, Sell out Hazel, but without Annabeth he would have gone insane after the two of them surviving Tartarus and all that, only for him to give her away.

Percy was bored of hanging out in the mountain. At first it had been cool, but just sitting around, doing nothing while time ticked away and Gaia threatened to rise back in the real world, It got as boring as watching his fingernails grow. Except that he was so anxious he kept finding himself biting his nails.

After waking up, he ate and set a breakfast for Annabeth, who had not woken up. He turned on the TV and sat for a while. After an hour, his patience finally broke and he went off to find something to do. As he crossed the hangar, he ran into Bob Hunt. That was literal. The two were knocked to the girdle that made up the floor.

"Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." The two were saying at the exact same time.

The two helped each other up and then they walked. Percy didn't really know the general, so he decided to chat him for a while, and maybe get a job that would take his mind off the boredom.

"What's it like when there's no war?" Percy asked.

"The exact same. We are solitary, for the good of ourselves. It's what our gods wanted. We weren't to make contact with you. You saw how we reacted to first contact. Fighting and all that?"

"Yeah." He shuddered at the memories.

"Who knows whats happening in the real world. Gaia may have woken."

"I doubt that. We'd feel it... somehow."

"You never know."

"I need something to do. This is boring as hell. Can we go back to the real world and... I dunno... defend our camp?"

Bob scratched his chin.

"Maybe you can. I could arrange something."

There was a huge rumble, then a dropship took off and headed towards the thin trail of smoke upon the horizon. It had apparently been where there had a been weapons factory for the monsters. Someone had blown it up. Percy and Bob passed by a group of teenagers laughing at a voice player, which they were repeating [Somebody] and [Farted]

"[Somebody] [Somebody] [Somebody] [Farted] [Farted] [Somebody]"

"Hey. " Piper appeared out of nowhere. "Whatcadoing?"

"Talking. Just for you to answer, do you want to go back to Earth?" Asked Bob.

"I do!" Percy said, waving happily.

"I wasn't talking to you!" Hissed Bob.

He sounded so like Gollum from The Lord of The Rings that Percy turned back to confirm that it was still Bob, a human.

"I would. It's boring." Piper said, then more quietly "I want to look for Jason.

Everyone wanted to know what had happened to the son of Jupiter.

Approximately three hours later, all the paperwork was done. The remaining demigods, excluding Leo and Frank, would go back to Camp Half Blood and from there, defend Mount Olympus.

Leo was biding them farewell.

"You all better not die, or I will kill you." Leo warned.

"How will you kill us if we are dead?" Asked Annabeth.

Leo scratched his chin. "Hadn't thought about that."

"You could go down to hades and kill us there." Percy suggested.

Leo's eyes lit up with the possibilities. Then the doors slowly slammed closed.

"Great. Now our spirits will had to worry about him." Annabeth said. "You are such a seaweed brain."

The two moved closer as the dropship took off and flew out of the hangar, than exploded into MACH 1. There was a sonic boom. This craft was faster than Arion. Which was very fast.

"Standby, ten seconds to dimension jump, T minus 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Jump!" Yelled the pilot.

The craft lurched forward and jumped dimension. There was a bang, then a scraping noise. Piper tapped the cockpit door.

"Are we supposed to hear that?" Piper asked.

The scraping grew louder... and louder.

"May the sky fall on my head!" growled the Pilot.

"Um.... " Piper said. "Pardon?"

"I forgot to tune the mass profile perimeter to the weight of the ship... Transition will be rough!" Replied the pilot.

And it was. The craft shook so badly that Percy thought it would break apart, then an engine snapped off and they plummeted.

"We've lost power. We're going down." Replied the pilot.

Then they smashed into the ground, knocking everyone aboard the craft unconscious.

After an unknown amount of time, Percy came back to his senses. The dropship had broken apart. The floor was gone. It had taken the door with it. From what Percy could see, the engines and wings were gone. Hell, the cockpit was gone. He quickly examined the remains of the dropship, relieved to find both of the girls alive and uninjured. The same probably couldn't be said for the pilot.

Perseus Jackson.

"Gaia?" He snarled.

It felt almost good to know that he was fighting back on earth, where Gaia was.

You are too late. I have risen.

Percy froze. After all the effort they had put into it, Gaia had still rose regardless.

So now, die. Humorously...

Percy didn't like the sound of humorously.

There was a loud quack. That was followed by several others. Percy looked out the place where the back door of the dropship was. He noticed a sea, well, a shore, behind him. It felt good to be near his father's element, when suddenly something rose from the waves. It was a duck. He heaved a breath of relief, then another duck rose. There were more quacks, and Percy noticed they were surrounded by ducks.

Die by the bills of possessed ducks.

Great. They were going to be killed by a horde of rabid milliards (Is that ducks or geese?)

Suddenly the two girls stirred and awoke. Just about then, Percy drew his sword. Annabeth took out her own weapon, along with Piper.

"What's happening?" Asked Piper.

"And now, Ducks." Percy growled, quoting ASDFmovies.

The ducks closed in.


Another update... Woohoo!!!

Do you want me to continue with this after August 1st, because... well... I plan in trying to write a real life book after I finish this.

Rick owns characters, plot, etc.


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