Chapter 12 - Things go bad

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Time: Unknown. Location: Unknown. Log: Jason Grace

"I don't know..." said Hazel.

"I have a brilliant plan. It'll get us outta here in one piece." Jason said excitedly.

"Then tell." Hazel said.

Jason lowered his voice and told her.

"I could have thought of something better." Hazel muttered, but she agreed to follow through with it.

Jason's plan was simple. When he was taken out to fight, he would overpower the guard and then let Hazel out. From there, the two would escape. It was foolproof. (A/N Brilliant plan Jason! *Claps sarcastically*)

Hazel went to sleep in their single bed. Jason examined the walls, which were brown rocks. He didn't know what kind of rock they were, but whatever they were, they were very pretty.

Hazel climbed into the bed, pulled the shag rug over her and fell asleep, snoring loudly. Jason snorted and sat by the door and waited for his turn to be called out for his fight. They had been allowed to keep their weapons in the cell, but the cell door was impenetrable. Jason slammed his sword's hilt into the door, to no effect. The door didn't even dent.

"Stop!" Yelled a guard. "That door cost a pile of gold! If you break it I have to pay for repairs!"

Jason felt a slight pang of guilt for the guard. Jason peeked out through a hole in the door. The guard was a telkhine. All Jason's sympathy for the guard having to pay for the door vanished instantly.

"I'm bored!" He complained. "When's my fight?"

"Soon! They have to calculate the odds and pay out for the last game! There was a starting odds of 12-1 to the girl and 6-5 to that six-armed fat-ass. When the match started, the odds were 4-1 to the girl and 3-1 for that six-arm." The telkhine said.

There was a sound of metal moving as the telkhine shifted in his armour and adjusted his spear and shield. Jason was surprised at the odds for Hazel had had.

"Who did you bet for?" He asked.

The telkhine tossed up a bag of gold and caught it.

"Let's just say she never let me down." Said the telkhine happily.

Suddenly there was a clinking of armour and two monsters headed down the corridor towards the cell.

"Well, here's your guard. Your game awaits. I'm betting on you. Don't let me down." Said the telkhine.

The door opened. Two armoured cyclops stood waiting.

"Come." One growled.

Jason took a step forward, then lunged. He drew his sword and slammed it into the chest of the cyclops. The monster howled in pain and disintegrated. The other cyclops swung his weapon, but Jason rolled to the side, got to his feet and countered the next strike. And the next. And the next...

"Damn this." Jason snarled, then, with all his might, slammed his blade into the shaft of the spear. The shaft splintered and was cut in half.

The cyclops was horrified, and Jason used the moment to decapitate him. The remaining monster was the telkhine. He cowered behind his spear. Jason stepped forward and slammed the hilt of his sword into the head of the telkhine. The monster fell sidewards and lay unconscious.

Jason stepped back into the cell and shook Hazel.

"Wakey Wakey." Jason said.

"Wha...?" Hazel groaned. "Oh... Hi."

"Time to go."

"Already?" Hazel Yawned.

"Yeah." Jason said.

The two of them turned and ran out of the cell. They followed random paths and corridors, avoiding and assassinating random guards. After around an hour, It seemed hopeless. They hadn't found and exit. All the corridors looked the same, with light dirt coloured brick walls.

"It's hopeless." Jason sighed.

"I could shadow travel?" Hazel offered.

Jason turned to her.

"We could have done that earlier! Why didn't you say anything?!?" Jason said.

"I need a minute or two to concetrate." She said, grasping his hand.

"It didnt take that long in the house of hades!" Jason protested.

"I had Nico helping me!" Hazel retaliated. "I had never done before. I haven't really practiced doing it alone."

At that moment, about twenty monsters rounded a corner and charged.

"Hazel." Jason said urgently.

"One minute." She said.

Her eyes were closed and she hadn't seen the approaching horde.

"There's a horde of very angry monsters coming." Jason said.

"ONE MINUTE!" Hazel growled.

"No!" Jason said. "Now!"

But the horde slammed into them and sent them sprawling Jason couldn't see Hazel, and all he could see was monsters everywhere. Jason yelled. His hands went for his weapon and he raised it. It collided with another weapon.

Hazel yelled in the background. Suddenly something changed. All the monsters stood up turned away.

"What did you do?!?" Jason asked.

"The mist." Hazel said. "They think we're dead now."

She reached over and grabbed his hand. This time she concentrated without a distraction, and when the monsters left they stood up. Then everything went fuzzy and black...

They appeared about twenty feet in the air. Jason yelped in surprise. They fell. Hazel managed to do a roll as she hit the ground. Jason was less lucky and landed hard on his right foot, and the bone snapped loudly. Jason screamed in pain. He glanced down at his foot, just in time to notice that the bone had snapped out below the knee. He turned his head to the side just to see a car racing towards him and Hazel.

Then he lost consciousness.



Rick owns stuff and all that.

I don't whos POV to do next. I think I'll do franks...


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