Chapter 14 - And now, at the worlds end.

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First off, I have two reasons for not updating. First, a terrible writer's block, and second, Another project I started this August. I started writing a book that I will try to publish in the real world. Title is not decided yet.

There is gonna be a some alternating in this chapter.

0945 hours, Greenwich mean time minus eight hours. August third. Mount Olympus, Above New York. Log: Piper McLean.

Piper was on watch duty with two other Romans. She cradled her burned left arm to her chest. The last three days had been hard. And attack every day, every hour. When they had arrived, The Olympians had been nowhere to be found. But every attack a different god, sometimes Greek or Roman or Celtic or Egyptian, appeared to help. But only one.

First attack, A Celtic god called Dagda. He had been helpful, but after the attack, him and his cauldron had gone. Then some Egyptian god called Sobek, then well, there had been so many gods Piper had forgotten most of them. She looked down at New York. After August first, when Gaia had risen, instead of destroying everything, she had sent wave after wave of monster to kill them at Olympus.

She feared something. Something that they must have. And if Gaia feared it, it might be their only chance. Piper wondered where Jason was right now. She hoped that he was alive, but she had no way of knowing. She shivered and watched her breath curl into mist.

She stared down below at New York. I was so depressing down there, as monsters were committing acts of terrorism all over, and now the city was on edge. There was a flash of light down below, and Piper guessed their had been another terrorist attack. More people dead. All because they hadn't stopped Gaia. It made her feel sick.

She glanced up at the black sky. The moon was out, but it made no difference. Thinder was heard from the highest clouds and lightening flashed.

"I think another attack is coming." Piper said.

One of the Romans glanced up at the sky.

"I'll wake the others. But what makes you so sure?" He said.

"Wake the others. The monsters will be here soon." Said a deep voice.

Piper and the two Romans turned. There was a six and a half foot Celtic god standing behind them. The roman that had spoke quickly ran off. The god was topless, which Piper had seen to many times when famous actors dined with her dad, but he also wore a red cloak, which was fastened around his neck. He had a sword fastened to his belt.

"Who are you?" Piper asked.

"I am Toutatis, the Celtic god of thunder." He said. "And there is the attacking army."

He pointed over into the distance, just where the lift from the Empire State Building was. Dozens of monsters poured from it, more than seemed physically possible. They had siege engines of their own. Catapults and ballistas.

The sky rumbled. Toutatis smiled and drew his sword. Rain began to fall.

"Here we go."

Time: Unknown. Location: Unknown. Log: Hazel Levesque.

She hit the ground. She heard Jason's cry of pain, then the sound of a car driving towards them. She yelped and grabbed Jason and pulled him out of the cars way. They lay on the sidewalk. She was breathing heavily as she examined their surroundings. They appeared to be in a city. It was the morning, as the sun could not be seen, but shops were opening up. To add to the confusion, all the shops were Chinese shops.

It made no sense how they'd got to China. Hazel thought hard. She remembered Nico telling her about shadow travel for the first time. He'd mentioned something about accidental trips to china when he was learning how to do it.

Just Great.

She could do another jump, but she wanted to make sure that Jason was okay. She glanced over at him. She gasped. His bone was sticking out of one of his legs. That was not good. She couldn't move him, because with their luck, next jump they would end up in the ocean, and with Jason unable to use that leg, he would probably drown and take her down with him as she tried to keep them afloat. She sighed.

1100 hours, Greenwich mean time minus eight hours. August third. Mount Olympus, Above New York. Log: Piper McLean.

Piper ducked under a wolf, then sliced at a cyclops stankdng to her right. The monster howled and turned to dust. Piper twisted and slashed blindly with her knife. It hit a random monster that Piper had not been targeting. There were so many surrounding monsters that Piper simply had to swing. Another went down as she did that motion.

Lightening, from Toutatis, downed a catapult, which had been flinging great green balls of fire at buildings in Olympus. One exploded into fire.

Piper stopped and stared at the ruined buildings of Olympus. All of Annabeth's architecture was ruined. Right on cue, Annabeth appeared beside Piper.

"Damn these bastards." She said angrily, brushing her hair out of her face. "I designed all of this."

Piper laughed. "You'll have to design it again."

Annabeth murmured unhappily.


I have not had a lot of time on my hands recently, my parents keep on wanting to do stuff and getting annoyed when I write... So i have not had a lot of time to write.

But on the plus sign, I'm not dead! I will be occasionally be posting quotes from my story on my status. I know I never ask, but now I really want comments, mostly for motivation.


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