Kissing Sounds

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Casey's POV

So me, Heath and Brax are out for our morning surf we're walking down to the beach and I think I'm hoping to see Denny!

We get to the perfect spot to surf, we plonk our boards on the sand and attach the ankle strap.

I pick my board up again and follow Brax and Heath into the water, then I see Denny up on the grass looking down at the beach I think she saw me looking at her buys that's only because she was staring at my shirtless, sexy body!!!

She waves and I wave back then Heath yells out,

"Aye Case if you're

done distant flirting its time to surf!"

"Shut up Heath!" I say turning to the ocean.

Brax says,

"My words exactly!"

I paddled out and read the current, I could see a huge wave coming and I thought that I'd impress Denny, I looked back to make sure she was still there and she was then I looked at Brax and Heath they were both on my left I pointed out to the wave and Heath nodded Brax shook his head I said,

"I'm going for it!"

"Me too, but don't cut me off butt-head," said Heath immaturely.

The wave came closer and me and Heath separated Brax was closer to it then is because he was trying to get the wave before it curved.

The wave got big fast and Brax realized that he won't make it so he started to paddle towards us and said,

"This is a big one! Don't get hurt!"

I worried a little bit that Brax and Heath could do it and not me.

The wave came and I turned round, Heath and Brax had already turned but I leave it for the last sseconds he wave curled over and I got up I didn't worry about Heath and Brax because when I'm surfing a wave it's like I'm the only on in the world!!!

I was surfing and I think Denny was watching.

When the wave hit shore I was still standing!!!!

I looked to my left and I saw Brax in the water and somehow Heath got on the other side of me!!!!

We all stood up, well they did I just jumped off my board!!!

On our way back to our stuff Denny yelled out,

"Casey! Casey!"

I looked up and saw her still on the grass,

"Hey Denny!"

"Hi nice wave, maybe sometime you can teach me how to surf!"

"Yeah maybe!"


"Seeya!" I was kinda excited that she wanted me to teach her to surf!!!

Heath made kissing sounds and I hit him,

"What so next time I see you talking to a friend that's a girl..." Heath butted in,


"No a friend that's a girl I'll make kissing sounds!"

Brax laughed!

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