Diamond Rings

445 12 1

Denny's POV

I think I'm forming a crush on Casey Braxton, Casey Braxton!!!!

The only thing bad is that I don't know if he likes me!

I mean, I think every girl in Summer Bay likes him. Who wouldn't,

That lush hair,

Sexy body,


He works at a gym,

Family owns a restaurant!

He's like a god!!!!

But why would he like me,

I work at a boat shed,

Live at a farm,

I don't like girlie things like,



And Diamond rings!

Casey's POV

I'm walking back to our house with Brax and Heath talking behind me.

I'm thinking about Denny,

I really like her but I don't think she likes me,

She's not like every other girl,

She works at a boat shed,

She lives at a farm,

She doesn't like girlie things like,



And Diamond rings!

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