"Stainly, Dallas same thing"

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Hey guys, just like to say ilysm ty for 2K reads!
Okay now back to the story!
Casey's POV
I decided to take Denny on a date thing down the beach. What she doesn't know is that I've organised a boat from Mr Stewart's boat shop, and since Denny knows boats she'll take us out to an amazing spot you have to go out into the ocean from the beach and then go north and curve back around in shore and there's a hidden beach with a big Moreton Bay Fig and I have got a picnic basket and blanket in the boat! To be honest I'm really excited.
"So is here fine?" Denny asked when we reached the beach to put her bag down.
"No you know what I think we can do something funner..."
Denny looked a little confused.
"As in...?"
"As in I hired a boat and your gonna drive it to Dallas Point!" I said cheerily.
"Um Dallas point is 3 hours drive to get there...in a car!"
"Okay, wait a second." I pulled out my phone and went to my texts to Kyle
Kyle: Hey Case can you work a shift tonight?
Me: Nah sorry man. Taking Denny out to Stainly Point today-tonight.
Kyle- k have fun!
"Stainly Point!" I exclaimed.
"Yeah you confused Dallas Point with Stainly Point." Denny raised an eyebrow.
"Stainly, Dallas same thing!" I explained.
"Yeah yeah." Denny mocked.
We walked along the beach up to the boat shed, when we got there Alf and Roo were talking.
"I just don't know if Maddy can cope." Roo worried to Alf.
"Wait sorry to interrupt but what's up with Maddy?" I interjected rudely but I was concerned.
"Oh um..." Roo hesitated, "Sh-she has cancer." Roo said sadly. Maddy came to summer bay with spencer. They ran away from there home ages away so they could be together, being the kind person Roo is she let them stay. Since then Maddy and spencer have broken up and I dated Maddy for a few months a while ago and yeah I still care for her.
Denny and I both gasped when we heard the news.
"Is-is she alright. Are you alright?" Denny was quick to fill the silence that was about to settle.
"I don't know about Maddy. She's been making this book filled with pictures and cut outs from magazines. I think she's been planning her funeral." Roo answered but didn't say how she was. I was still shocked by the news and didn't say anything. "Anyway I egged get back to the diner. Bye." She announced. And left.
"So what can I do for you two?"
"Hey Mr Stewart, Casey said he hired a boat." Answered for me.
"Ah yes, the old Swifty Motorboat. Take care of her." Alf said throwing Denny the keys.
"We will Mr Stewart." Denny said offering a smile.
"Thanks Alf." I said as we walked to the boat.
We got in the boat and now were twenty minutes into the trip.
"So..." I said as an awkward silence started to come over us.
"So..." Denny repeated.
"I've got an idea, to drain the boringness of this trip lets play twenty questions...or however many until we get there."
"Okay, you first!" She smiled
"Kay, favorite song?"
"Penny lane." Denny replied without hesitation,
"Ahh so we have a Beatles fan upon us." I laughed.
"What about you?" Denny asked.
"Livin on a prayer, Bon Jovi." I said quicker.
"Oh yeah your ringtone from the hospital!"
"Yeah." I smiled at the memory. "Okay um, favorite food?"
"Steak...or meat." Denny smiled as she turned the steering wheel of the swift boat.
"What about you?"
"Um probably the same."
A bit of time had past and we were still playing 'However many Questions'
"Okay my turn to ask the question,"
"Okay," I smiled
"Where's your favorite place in the world?" I thought about this one longer than I thought I would, then finally answered,
"Anywhere with you!" I smiled at the cheesy line, and Denny blushed.
Denny's POV
Aww that was the most cheesiest line Casey could've said, but although it was cheesy I loved him for it! I couldn't help but blush.
"That was sweet." I said without making any eye contact with him.
"It's the truth!" Time had gone so quickly and we were at the magical beach.
"Woah!" My jaw dropped to the bottom of the ocean.
"Told ya it was amazing!" Casey said proudly,
"It's more then amazing...it's astounding!"
"Nice vocabulary." Casey was impressed.
"Aye I may work at a boat shop and never been to uni, but I'm not a dumbo!" I felt protective of my knowledge and education.
Casey and I pulled the boat into shore by a rope that separated to two ropes before the bow of the boat and attached to the two cleats on either sides of the boat.
When it was beached in far enough Casey grabbed a picnic basket and I got my bag.
Hey guys again.
I'm kinda proud of this chapter, unlike most of the book. The diagram up the top is a diagram of summer bay which is where the black arrow is pointing and I thought I'd be childish and do a treasure map sorta thing and do dots and the 'X' marks where Denny and Casey are, (btw if you google maps it, it's probably not how I said it was because I didn't look at google maps! ;) "
So ty for reading I'll hie you a picture of a Morton Bay Fig next chapter!
Pls don't be a silent reader!
Caitlin xx

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