Against The Wall,

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Hey guys, alot is going to happen this chapter, it's going to be long hopefully!


Denny's POV

Casey put my surf board on to the sand mould and told me to hop on, I looked at him unsurely and stepped on, one foot at a time, keeping my eyes on Casey still looking shocked that it was that easy.

That probably wasn't the best of ideas because as soon as I got two feet on the board the board tilted forward until it reached the sand and I went with it, I admit I should of put one foot on one side of the mould and the other foot the other side. So anyway I fell and unfortunately Casey wasn't there to catch me. He stood there laughing. I'll also admit it was pretty funny so I laughed too, another bad idea because I coped a mouth full of sand.

"Here," Casey said holding out a hand and I took it, he pulled me to my feet,"Try again and this time try and watch what you're doing," he suggested playfully.

We monkey gripped and he helped me up on to the board, this time I didn't fall,

"Now get down on to your stomach and pretend to kick and push yourself through the waves, I jumped off and said,

"No, I am not going to make myself look like a complete idiot!"

"Then how else do you plan to learn?"

"I don't need lesson's,' I said picking up my board and putting it under my arm, I started running to the water, "I can surf all on my own!" I screamed so that Casey could hear me.

"Bu-" Casey tried to stop me but I cut hime off,

"No I can do this!"

Casey's POV

What is Denny thinking? I tried to stop her because the waves were dead, there was no waves, none. Completely flat!

She gets into the water and jumps onto the board, I heard her scream out in agony. That would of had to hurt! I grabbed my board and walked closer to the ocean. Denny began paddling and then kicking, I walked into the ocean, the water reaching my knees, then when Denny thought she got out far enough she got herself to her knees, I walked in further, the water now reaching my hip bone.

Finally Denny got to her feet and looked around as if the wave was suppose to come out of nowhere.

She looked back at  me and I continued,

"But there's no waves."

"Oh," I could see the embarrassment in her eyes.

But then out of nowhere, somehow a massive wave was visible in the far distance. I tried to get Denny's attention and I tried to stop her from taking it on, but she had her eyes on the prize and there was no way of getting in the way of that!

"DENNY!!! IT'S WAY TOO BIG!!!" It was, it was bigger than the one I had surfed just a day before!

Denny got back down on her stomach and started paddling.

The wave got closer.

And bigger.

And closer.

An even bigger.

"DENNY!" I tried one last time.

When she thought she got close enough, she got to her knees and then to her feet.

She was surfing.


Sirens glared as I raced Denny up to the road, she was coughing up salt water and pieces of seaweed.

When I met the ambulance they took her from my arms and put her on a stretcher.

This was all my fault.

I tried to get in the ambulance truck with her, but they wouldn't let me because I wasn't technically family. So I ran as fast as I could, leaving the surfboards on the beach, to the gym,

"Andy!" I yelled as I ran in,"Andy!" I repeated


"Where's the keys to the gym car?"

"Here," He said dangling the keys in his hand, "Why, what's wrong?" he said as I snatched the keys from him,

"Its Denny, she's on her way to hospital and I wasn't aloud to come so that's why I here." I said so fast that after I finished I needed to catch my breathe.

"Okay, I'm coming with you then. I'll leave Maddy in charge."


"Maddy, your in charge,"

"K Andy." Maddy replied from the office where I couldn't see her.

We both ran out the gym into the surf club and Andy ran into John,

"Oie! Watch where your going!" John yelled out after us.

We got to the car, I hoped in the drivers seat and Andy jumped in the passenger seat.


We arrived at the hospital and got directed to where Denny was.

I looked through the window on the door and saw the Dr's and nurse's rushing from either side, plugging things in and talking to each other, in complete jibble.

Then I realised Hannah standing back against the wall, just staring atr her, then her eyes flashed and she looked over to me, I mouthed Am I aloud to come in?

And she nodded.

Hi guys, so this capter wasn't as long as I thought it would, and not alot happened.

How do you think Hannah's feeling?

Do you think Denny will be ok?

Will Maddy cope running the gym?

Don't forget I love you commenting and I love suggestions!

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