Chapter 8

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"What you're saying is crazy, you have us!" Paige yelled pointing at Tristan and herself. "I think it's a great Idea" Tristan said shrugging. Paige walked over to him pushing him "Tell me Paige, when Damon finds out that Isabella will be writing herself up for execution don't you think he'll come running to confess his fondness over her?"I rolled my eyes hearing Tristan's way of interpreting my declaration of suicide. "This isn't about Damon. I'm miserable here, you guys have been able to get through the depression that comes with being here but I can't. I know that If I sign this paper he will accept" I explained as Paige began letting smoke out from her ears. "Here in this place execution isn't something you do when you aren't happy, it's used when you feel like you're no benefit to the community which by the way! You are! And you need a signature from Damon, he has never signed one before"Paige explained. "I don't feel like I'm doing anything beneficial, anyone can change a pillowcase and bleach blood off floors" I replied dramatically. "I'm not asking for permission. I'm just letting you know"I added before folding the paper and walking away.
Not shortly after I began receiving smiles from other workers, the security, maintenance, maids, Almost like a fair well from them, I felt respected and as If I was making the correct choice. The day continued on and the smiles continued making it seem brighter. Leading up to running into Tristan who was keen on throwing a farewell party where I could be the guest of honor. Deep inside I knew it'd be some attempt to throw me into Damon's arms, but after the way he had been acting lately I had doubted he could even care less. With a party now on my mind I stopped working early to focus on planning for tonight. Which was surprisingly already planned out by Tristan.shocker. I began making my way down to the maids living quarters undoing my tight ponytail knowing that Tristan was going to be transforming me. I don't think I realized how honorable an execution is, it's like volunteering to help population control. I walked into my room and there stood Paige along with Damon. "I have to get ready, please excuse me". I walked by them and walked toward the rack of clothing Tristan had laid for me. "I have to sign the request"Damon said with his right hand out and a pen in the left. I took the paper out of my apron pocket slowly watching his disappointed expression. "Tell me one thing"He took the paper looking down at it and confirming. "Is this because me?"He added asking. I quickly raised my eyebrows and began asking myself the same question. Is it? "Technically If I was in my real bed and real home with my real family and friends I wouldn't be asking for this. I don't know who to blame but I didn't choose this life, and I'm so tired of waking up to do the same thing over and over again"I explained as he nodded almost understanding. "What If I told you there's a possibility you could walk out this castle and be just a slight bit normal?"He asked. The whole time I had been here I'd been checking windows and doors that seemed like exits but everything led to a dead end, there was no way that there could be a way out. "Behind these walls there is houses and more people, not exactly your kind of people, but it's something. It would be like moving to an isolated island almost, invisible on a map. I could give you access and show you around sometime, as long as you continue to work here, for me"He added. The thought of just a hint of normal felt like all I needed but it still wouldn't change the fact that I want to see my family and friends again, I wanted to see how they were doing, and maybe there is no heaven or hell but who am I to not even try. "I want to see my family. I don't care about the houses and people"It quickly began turning into a negotiation and I didn't know If it was be a he had never signed an execution request or because he didn't want me to go. "I think the only one who wants me here anyways is Paige"He looked up at me and while staring sign the paper. My heart skipped a beat at the sound of the pen scratching the papers surface. He knew that I'd stay If he asked, not because I wanted to be with him, but because for some reason I felt connected to him. "Tristan wants you here, he doesn't stop talking about you" he smiled handing me the paper. Without thinking I blurted out the plan before he could walk out "Of course he is, he's trying to get you to fall for me, break the curse. Either way I die right?". I watched as he stood and turned around slowly "You die, and I'm left to be miserable for the rest of my life" he walked back toward me and looked down at me. His fingertips climbed up my arms gently leading to my neck where my healing bite mark sat. "Aren't you miserable already?"I asked leaning my head to the side so that he could look at it better. The question took him by surprise, how did I have the right to say that. Paige had let me know that Damon had been thinking of me more often, but just when he's about to call for me he gives in, and turns obnoxious. I was different, maybe because I've lasted longer or because I'm the only human Damon has jumped into the pool to save. "Give me one night to convince you to stay. I'll take you outside the castle and give you a tour of everything, If you decide you still would like to leave then everything will be ready for tomorrow morning". Woah, what an offer "okay" I replied smiling. It was 6:00pm so I thought by night he'd meant literally now. "Well step out Damon, I have to dress her for her big night out!",Paige convinced me to cancel the party so thank heavens something came up!" In walked in Tristen as fabulous as ever. Damon smiled and proceeded to walk out and tell Paige about the new plans, of course Paige leaned into the room and shot a wink before walking away with Damon. "Women I don't know how you manage to talk to him like that and get a calm response" Tristen said while taking out a pile of making from a small duffel bag. "You know what I just realized? There's no way I can just act like he didn't disrespect me the other night! I'm going to address it tonight"I explained while Tristian began to rub a cold paste onto my face. "Well my only tip for you is to be kind even If he's unkind towards you. See the master might respect each and every one of us in here sometimes but out there he has an image to uphold, a dark ferocious leader who snaps necks and runs out of maids" It has been the first time I heard Tristen say the word master, I had almost forgot.
Doing the complete opposite of what he did last time Tristen gave me more locks of hair and a darker aesthetic. Once he was done I realized I had no idea what I'd be walking into tonight.

 Once he was done I realized I had no idea what I'd be walking into tonight

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