Chapter 7

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"I miss you." Isabella says softly, she was laying on their bed, Delilah asleep in her arms.

"I miss you too." Hunter said.

Shifting, Isabella smiles softly. "When are you coming home?"

"I think there is two weeks left until the break." Hunter said.

Rolling her eyes, Isabella shifts Delilah. "Why can't you come back here?"

"My moms paid a lot of money to get me into this school, you know that." Hunter said. "I'm sorry."

"Whatever." The eighteen year old mumbles angrily. "I have to go, physio." She lies.

"Oh okay, I guess we'll talk later." Hunter said. He had a feeling Isabella was mad at him.

Nodding her head, Isabella forces a smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." Hunter said.

Ending the call, Isabella drops her phone and pulls Delilah closer just as her bedroom door is opened and Dinah walks in.

"Hey, ready to go?" Dinah asked softly, sitting down on the bed beside Isabella.

Taking a deep breath, the eighteen year old nods her head. "Who's watching Lilah?"

"Lauren." Dinah said.

Nodding her head, Isabella takes a deep breath. "Will you take her."

"Yeah." Dinah said, moving to take Delilah from Isabella.

Once Isabella is free of Delilah, she tries to sit up using the handle the hangs from the ceiling. Groaning as she struggles to get up. Isabella eventually sits up and stays sitting for a moment before trying to get into her wheelchair. "I'm thinking about joining a wheelchair dance group. I remember Hunter showing me a video of Quinn doing a wheelchair dance with her friends and it looked like fun."

"That sounds amazing baby, but maybe you won't have to do that. Your therapist says that you're getting better at moving your legs." Dinah says softly, holding the wheelchair in place for Isabella.

Isabella shrugged. "Still, I want to join one just incase."

"We can look into that, maybe your uncle Artie can teach you how to dance in your chair." The Polynesian responds as she follows Isabella out of her room and heads toward the living room.

Isabella nodded. "That would be fun. Artie is awesome."

Smiling, Dinah passes Delilah to Lauren and takes the handles of Isabella's chair. "Arms up."

Isabella rolls her eyes and Delilah puts her arms in her lap as Dinah rolls them along.

Stopping beside the car, Dinah puts the brakes on and steps in front of Isabella. "Front or back?"

"Front, obviously, I'm not a kid anymore." Isabella sassed playfully.

Rolling her eyes playfully, Dinah opens the passenger door before lifting Isabella into her arms. "Alright Normani jr." She teases.

Isabella rolled her eyes. "I'm nothing like mama."

"You're a lot like her." Dinah responds, sitting her daughter in the front seat and buckling her up.

"Whatever." Isabella responded.

Shutting the door, Dinah folds Isabella's wheelchair and puts it into the back before getting into the driver's seat. "I see you're taking control of the aux cord." She says as she turns on the car and Beyonce starts blaring.

"Is there a problem with that?" Isabella asked, changing the song to 'If I Were A Boy'.

Shaking her head, Dinah pulls out of the driveway and begins driving. "You're fine, your mama and I love Beyonce."

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