Chapter 34

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Two years later

"Mommy!" Milo yells excitedly, popping up from his crib.

"Morning, Bud." Camila smiled and ruffled his hair.

The now two year old grins up at Camila. "Play!?"

"Breakfast first." Camila smiled.

Nodding his head, Milo holds his arms up, "Mama make nummy nums!"

Keegan just laid in his crib, he had been in a car accident with Normani a year before and was now paralyzed from the waist down.

Camila smiled and lifted him up, placing him on the floor before lifting Keegan up.

"Mommy," Keegan mumbles, curling into Camila as much as he can.

Camila ran her fingers through his hair. "I'm here."

Closing his eyes, Keegan grips onto Camila's shirt and relaxes against her. "Hungry."

Milo pulls on Camila's hand, "Go get mama!"

"Yeah." Camila carried Keegan through the house and they got Normani from her room.

The dark-skinned girl kept her head down, her hair falling to cover her face.

Camila stopped in her tracks and turned around to face Normani. She lifted the dark-skinned woman's head and made Normani look at her. "Don't hide it."

Normani takes a deep breath, her hands fidgeting at her sides. "Don't look." She begged, tears filling her eyes.

The accident had left her with a long scar down the left side of her face, along with burns.

"I'm not looking at it. I'm looking at your beautiful brown eyes." Camila said softly.

Biting her bottom lip, Normani fights the urge to look down once more.

"You're beautiful, don't ever forget that." Camila said softly, she smiled encouragingly at Normani.

Forcing a smile, Normani shifts slightly before flinching when someone touches her shoulder.

"It's just me." Lauren removed her hand "Sorry."

Relaxing, Normani bends down and lifts Milo into her arms. "What does everyone want for breakfast?" She asks softly.

"I'm not that hungry but I think Ava is having coco pops." Lauren said, shrugging.

Nodding her head, Normani makes her way into the kitchen, looking down once more and covering her face.

"Mani, don't hide it." Camila said. She put Keegan into his highchair and adjusted the back of it to keep him up.

The dark-skinned girl remains silent as she places Milo in his highchair, tears filling her eyes once more.

Camila placed her hand gently on Normani's arm. She turned the girl to face her and lifted her head, pushing her hair behind her ear. "Don't hide it."

"I look disgusting." Normani breathes out, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Camila shook her head and wiped the tear away. "You look beautiful."

Closing her eyes, Normani leans into Camila's touch. She had become extremely insecure since the accident.

Camila leaned forward and kissed Normani's forehead. "You are beautiful."

Curling into Camila's arms, Normani takes a slow deep breath. "They fired me at the diner."

"They are stupid then." Camila said softly. "You were amazing at the diner."

After a few minutes, Normani pulls back and flinches just as Dinah, Quinn, and Demi walk in with the rest of the kids.

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