Chapter 29

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Lauren took a deep breath and looked at the test in her hand hopefully, her eyes widening with excitement. Positive. She was going to have another baby with Dinah! She smiled to herself, staring at the test, a relieved feeling washed over her.

"Laur, have you seen my coveralls? The ones with the white paint on them? I need them for work." Dinah calls from their room.

"I think they are in the garage." Lauren called back, not talking her eyes off the test.

It's silent for a few minutes before Dinah walks into the bathroom with the coveralls and a white t-shirt.

"I'm going to shower before I head out. Want to join me?" The younger girl asks with a smile.

Lauren finally brought her eyes away from the test. "Dinah..." She said slowly.

"Hmm?" Dinah asks, she was stripping for the shower and had just turned on the hot water.

Lauren held up the test. "I'm pregnant." She breathed out.

Excitement filled Dinah's eyes before she moved over to Lauren and lifted her up, spinning her around slightly.

Lauren let out a giggle and then her smile fell. "What about Mani?" She had noticed the change in Normani lately and was scared the older woman was going to leave them all.

"What do you mean?" Dinah asks, her smile dropping into a frown.

"You haven't noticed the change? She's pulling away from us, all of us. This might just push her over the edge." Lauren said, looking down at the test sadly.

Dinah sighed and held Lauren close, "I talked to her while you were gone, she feels alone."

"Dammit Camila, just stop! I won't ask you to do anything for any of our kids ever again!" Normani's voice was heard, followed by glass breaking and a pained cry from Normani's room.

Lauren flinched in Dinah's arms, burying her face in Dinah's chest.
"I need to go check on her, come with me?" Dinah asks softly, rubbing Lauren's back.

Lauren nodded sheepishly, nerves filling her.

They made their way down the hall slowly, Dinah in only boxers and a bra.

Normani was on the floor picking up a shattered coffee cup while Camila just stands there watching.

"What happened?" Dinah asked worriedly as she held a very nervous Lauren close to her.

The dark-skinned girl remains silent, she couldn't tell them that Camila threw the cup or that it had burnt her because of the coffee that had been inside.

"She dropped the cup after getting pissed at me when I told her I wasn't changing Remi." Camila responds, rolling her eyes.

"Camz?" Lauren said, not looking up at Camila. "Why not?" She shifted nervously under Camila's gaze.

"Because, I shouldn't have to change someone else's kid." Camila responds coldly. "Those twins are not mine."

Normani slowly stood up after cleaning up the glass, lifting her head, she looks at Camila, her bottom lip bleeding. "Then whose are they?"

Camila shifted and straightened her back. "Someone else's, find out for yourself." She spat, not even Lauren's soft eyes could calm her down.

"Get a dna test done if you think that I'm a slut." Normani snaps out, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Because, the only other person they could possibly belong to is Dinah and she was in a coma for a year."

"Stop it!" Lauren snapped. "Both of you need to grow up and stop acting like teenagers!"

Normani flinched before quickly rushing into her bathroom and shutting the door, searching for her razor blade.

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