Chapter 27

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Quinn stood in the airport waiting for Demi to come back from the bathroom. She was reading the signs through her sunglasses to keep herself occupied.

Demi and Quinn's flight had been delayed for over ten hours and Quinn was beginning to get anxious.

"Hey, sorry I took so long. There was a line." Demi says as she sits down beside Quinn.

Quinn jumped before realising who it was and calming down.

"You are very jumpy, maybe we should get some alcohol in you." Demi teased the blonde.

Quinn shook her head. "I don't drink."

"I know." Demi responds, cupping Quinn's cheek and pulling her into a passionate kiss.

Quinn kissed Demi back, relaxing she moved closer to Demi.

After a few minutes, Demi pulls back and looks into Quinn's eyes. "Do you want to just get a hotel?"

"What about France? I thought you wanted to go." Quinn tilted her head to the side.

Smiling softly, Demi caresses Quinn's cheek. "I don't care where we are, as long as I'm with you."

Quinn giggled nervously, biting her lower lip. She blushed and looked away to hide her embarrassingly red cheeks.

"We can get a hotel here for a few hours, at least until our plane arrives. Or we can sleep in these uncomfortable chairs. Or we can go stay at my beach house." The older girl offers with a sweet smile.

"Beach house? You've never mentioned a beach house before." Quinn tilted her head up to look at Demi through her sunglasses.

"I don't know why you insist on wearing your sunglasses inside. They hide your beautiful eyes." Demi said. She removed Quinn's sunglasses and smiled in satisfaction upon seeing the younger girl's green eyes.

Demi's smile disappeared when they were suddenly surrounded by paparazzi and Quinn's fans. This made Quinn even more anxious.

"Everyone back off." Demi said calmly, standing up and gently pulling Quinn with her.

As soon as they were hidden, Demi leans Quinn against the wall and looks into her eyes.

"About that beach house, wanna go?" She asks softly.

Quinn looked out at the people searching for her before looking back at Demi with a nervous glint in her eyes. She nodded slowly.


Unlocking the door to the beach house, Demi leads her into the house and smiles. "This is my home away from home."

Quinn giggled, looking around. "It's beautiful." She whispered to herself. She was still very shaken up by what happened in the airport and had been very quiet on the drive to the beach house.

Pulling the blonde into her arms, the older girl frowns. "Are you okay?"

Quinn nodded, burying her face in Demi's chest. "People scare me." She whispered.

"Why don't we take this time to forget about the outside world?" Demi asks, pulling away and leading Quinn toward the bedroom.

Quinn tilted her head to the side in confusion. She furrowed her brows.

"This is where we'll be sleeping." Demi says softly, kissing her gently.

Quinn kissed Demi back, standing on her tippie-toes so she was almost the same height as the older girl.

They made out for a few minutes before Demi pulled away. "Three weeks here?"

A small smile crept its way onto Quinn's face and she nodded. "Happy anniversary." She whispered.

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