taken (16)

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A/N Updates every Tuesday and Thursday

Be different. Don't ever be the same as someone
you think is worth

C H A P T E R   S I X T E E N

~L A N D R Y~


I kiss my fingers and tap her nose, winking at her before going back to my spot, leaning back on a relaxed state.

She gapes at me, a small blush forming on her cheeks.

I chuckle and turn my attention back towards the television, smiling to myself.


I hear the sound of whispers and shuffling before I pry my eyes open, meeting the curious glances from Dean and Cami. I widen my eyes and look around, seeing Warren next to me with his arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close to his chest.

"Well, you guys certainly look cozy." Cami pipes up and I can't help the blush that rises to my cheeks.

"Yeah, like an actual couple." Dean comments after and I roll my eyes, moving slightly but freezing when I feel Warren's arm tighten around me. He growls slightly and hauls me towards him, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

I blink and looks up at Cami with a pleading look. "I honestly don't know how I ended up like this."

Cami laughs and raises her eyebrows, leaning forward and poking Warren's cheek. I glare at her and she holds up her hands in surrender.

"That's rude." I purse my lips and sigh, looking up at Warren before squirming out of his hold. I stand up and straighten my shirt, wiping myself down. I look over to Cami and Dean and cross my arms, a questioning look on my face.

"Why are you guys here?"

Dean shrugs and goes over to the couch, and sits next to Warren's feet. I trail my eyes up his body towards his face and can't help but think about how cute and innocent he looks.

"Well, I was going to drop Dean off but we were kind of worried about you guys so we decided to come here."

"We were at the hospital for a while, I'm sure it didn't take you that long to drive here. Where did you guys go?"

Dean laughs and Cami bites her lip to stop from laughing.

I raise my eyebrows, silently asking them to continue.

"Well.. we went to the store and got distracted trying to figure out a rubix cube. And... we may have bought spray paint and Dean taught me how to do graffiti.

I gape at her and look between her and Dean. "Didn't think of you as the rebel Cami."

She raises her eyebrows and scoffs, waving her hand. "Have you even met me. I'm starting to question our friendship."

I roll my eyes and shrug. "Sounds fun. Where did you guys do it?"

"....On multiple pieces of paper."

I burst out laughing and clasp a hand over my mouth to quiet myself down.

"What a rebel Cami."

She huffs and goes over to slump down on a recliner chair. "Whatever." she grumbles and I look over to Dean who is also trying to hold back his laughter.

Ordinary Nothing •Not Completed• (#Wattys2018)Where stories live. Discover now