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"Come on Jay, even Kidd didn't protest this much." Upton told the detective as he tried to refuse having the hole in his shoulder looked at.
"It's fine." He tried pushing away from Choi.
"Let me bandage it up, then you can go sit with Antonio." Ethan said, pushing him back to the bed.

"Have you got any ideas?" Voight asked Dawson and Kidd as the rest of the team gathered in their room.
"No." Antonio said thinking as Sasha typed furiously on her laptop.
"Run with me here." Sasha started, "remember that shooting about a week back, two of the first medics on the scene were Dawson and Kidd from 51 because Sylvie wasn't on shift. The people who treated the victim who died here were Sexton and Halstead."
"Our sisters, and Jays brother.." Antonio said seeing what she was getting at. "And Noah."
"Did that victim have any siblings?" Voight asked Sasha.
"Yeah, he had a brother who served in the army. Dishonourable discharge." Sasha read off her laptop.
"Get Upton, send us his address." Voight told her as he left.
"On it." Sasha said sending the address and going to find her roomie.

"Drop the gun." Voight said bluntly. Kidd had been right about the brother and they had arrived at his house and now Upton had a gun pressed to her head.
"You don't want to do this." Upton said, something clicking in her brain, "this isn't right, I'm innocent I don't have a sibling who failed to save your brothers life." She Said, feeling his grip on her weaken as she finished. "You did what you did to make the paramedics and doctors feel like you do, but I have no siblings so it won't make much of a point." He dropped the gun and was rushed by Atwater and Ruzek who swiftly chucked him in the back of Voight and Olinsky car.
"We need to get you away from Kidd, her brains rubbing off on you." Atwater joked, earning a punch on the arm from Upton.
"Aww Thanks." She said sarcastically.

A few weeks later and the whole team was back to normal. Until a call came in over the radio when a few of them were getting breakfast. Firefighters requesting immediate assistance...
"That's a block away." Jay said reaching for his radio.
"Let's go." Upton said grabbing her jacket.
"Let me take the lead.." Sasha said as they pulled up to the scene and she saw the truck number.
"As long as you're not involved." Upton said, being the levelheaded one of the trio.
"Chief!" Sasha called as she spotted Boden and jogged over to him. "What's going on?" She asked looking around. Boden just looked straight past her to the two other detectives. Realising certain faces were missing from the crowd gathering around them Sasha looked at the Chief again, "What's going on Boden?"
"We've got gunmen inside along with multiple of my people." Boden said.
"Have you managed to get ahold of anyone?" Jay asked gesturing to the radio.
"Ambo 61 and the majority of Truck 81 and Squad 3. Umm, there is one person that's not answering." He Said looking at Sasha.
"Chief I've got Kidd." Casey voice came through a radio and Sasha had to restrain herself.
"Where?!" Severide asked frantically, obviously he's not able to restrain himself Sasha thought.
"North hallway, third floor, we're gonna get her into a room." Herrmann Replied.
"Cruz, get a ladder ready." Boden ordered. "My paramedics are in there." He muttered picking up his radio. "Ambulance 61 report." He said.
"We're on the ground floor Chief, I'm pretty sure the gunmen have moved upstairs." Dawson said, having heard the talk about Kidd.
"I'm sending Upton, Sasha and Halstead in now." Boden said nodding at them as they headed towards the building, guns raised.

"Dawson, Brett." Halstead quietly called as he cleared one of the last rooms.
"Here." Brett said as they got out of their hiding spot.
"Let's get you out of here." He Said following them back out. Once they had gotten out they saw a growing amount of cops and a few more guys that had gotten out, including Severide who was trying to let Boden let him go back inside.
"Chief, how many people do you have left inside?" Upton asked.
"Three, Casey, Herrmann and Kidd." He said looking over to where Cruz was positioning the aerial, despite now being on Squad. Cruz then went up, followed by Severide leaving Otis on the controls.
"You got her?" Herrmanns voice could be heard as Severide started moving down the ladder with his girlfriend in his arms. The Intelligence team went into the building along with other PD officers, but Upton pushed Sasha to the side and told her to go to her sister.
"Pulses weak, O2 stats are stable." Brett relayed off to Dawson as Sasha jogged over. "She's crashing!" Brett shouted as both paramedics began working Sasha stopped dead in her tracks, meters away from her sister.
"Hey." Severide Said, the emotion obvious in his voice. Sasha realised she had stopped next to him, his arm wrapped around her shoulders and her head came to rest on his arm as tears streamed down her face and he tried to hide his.

The rest turned into a blur of tears for Sasha and she didn't know what was happening until Brett turned to talk to her. "You riding along?" Sasha blinked and saw her sister being loaded into the Ambo, she glanced at Severide who nodded before jumping in next to the blonde paramedic.
"Is she gonna be okay?" Sasha asked, entwining her fingers into Stellas.
"The doctors are going to do everything they can." Brett said, her voice almost sounding as emotional as Severides had a few moment earlier.

Authors note: sorry if this chapter is a bit crap and jam packed it's just I wrote the first part a while ago and I had a full plan for this chapter but then something came up and I forgot it.. Anyway, I hope you like the cliffhanger.

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