Sasha? Caitlin?

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"Hey." Severide Said, coming up to Sasha as she drifted into a world of her own.

"Kidd, go, get out of here!" Caitlin said as they realised the door had been left slightly ajar.
"No, you go, you're faster than me." Sasha protested, pulling against the chains that attached her to the wall.
"I'm too weak, they'll either catch me or I'll pass out first." Caitlin said, collapsing back against the wall as Sashas chains broke.
"I promise I'll come back, with the guys. Just hold on." Sasha said heading towards the door.
"She's escaped!" Their kidnapper stated in fury as he noticed a figure running across the fields surrounding the old farm. The duo split up, the dominant heading for Sasha and the submissive going to check on Caitlin.
Sasha swerved to the right towards where she could see a main road in the distance, trying not to think about the guy chasing her until he landed a shot into her back. Listing all of the risks of being shot in the back, Sasha continued running and ignoring the pain.

"Sasha!" Severide said, waving his hand infront of her face. "Hey." He Said as she snapped back into reality, tears building behind her eyes.
"Hey." She said blinking them back. "Sorry, I um.." she trailed off, not wanting her sisters boyfriend to know what she was thinking about.
"Don't worry about it." Severide Said with a sympathetic smile. "Any news on Stella?"
"They rushed her straight into surgery." Sasha said looking back into the waiting room where the rest of firehouse 51 had appeared. "I'm gonna take a walk, keep me updated." Sasha said heading out of the ED and walking away from the building. Collapsing onto a bench she let herself fall back into the memory.

As she was quickly loosing blood from her back Sasha was becoming lightheaded and delirious. When she made it onto the main road she had seen earlier she didn't think and just walked out. The sound of tires screeching filled the air as a car came to a stand still inches away from her. "Phone." She Said, not able to form a sentence.
"Hold up, you're that FBI chick.." He said putting his hand into his pocket and passing her his phone, quickly typing the phone number she put the phone to her ear and dropped to the ground, the guy quickly bent down and someone out of the small crowd gathering called 911.
"Sasha? Caitlin? Hello who is this?" A voice came out of the phone.
"Hello?" The phones owner put it to his ear.
"Where did you get my number?" A furious voice asked, Ready to hang up.
"Some chick ran infront of my car on the highway and dialled your number." He answered, extremely confused by the whole situation.
"Describe her." The voice said getting ready to move.
"Dark hair, um, tall, slim, young, darkish skin." He described looking at the body on the ground infront of his car.
"I'm on my way." The voice said hanging up the phone as the paramedics arrived on the scene.

"What happened here?" One of them asked looking at everyone.
"She ran out infront of my car, I didn't hit her though, she asked to borrow my phone then she passed out." The man answered.
"Let's get her to the hospital." The other paramedic said.
"Hold up!" The voice from the phone shouted as he got out of his car with three younger guys. "Shaw ride with them. You're the guy I spoke to? Where did she come from?"
"Over there." He said pointing to fields.

"Sasha Kidd, 22 year old female, malnourished, dehydrated, GSW to the back." The paramedic said as they passed her over to the hospital.
"I need to get her to surgery." The doctor said looking at her.

"Caitlin?" Sasha asked as she came around.
"Doctor, she's awake!" The nurse called out into the hallway. "I'm not sure where Caitlin is but let me call your friends." The nurse said rushing past the doctor.
"Welcome back Sasha." The doctor said looking at her vitals. "Hey, take it easy." He Said as she tried to get up.
"Why can't I move my legs?" She asked, her voice shaking as she tried and failed to move her toes.
"The bullet in your back damaged multiple nerves, there is a chance it won't be permanent." The doctor said watching her tear up.
"What day is it?" She asked looking out of the window at the sun, it had been winter she could have sworn. "How long was I out?" She added.
"It's July 26th, you've been out for seven months." The doctor said causing Sasha to gasp as a few members of the team walked in.
"Where's Caitlin?" She asked looking through the door, ready for her friend to come in.
"Sasha, she didn't make it. We thought we were going to lose you both." Her partner said.
"Did you call Stella?" Sasha asked.
"No, I remembered what you'd said." Another guy said.
"Thank you." Sasha said with a small smile, still in shock over the three things she'd just been told. She'd been asleep for seven months, she was paralysed and her best friend was dead.

That was two years ago, when she left the FBI.

Authors note: a bit of a shorter chapter about Sashas past, but if she left the FBI two years ago what has she been doing since...
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