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The next day
"I'm gonna run home and grab a shower, do you guys want anything?" Sasha asked, grabbing her bag.
"No, we're good."
As soon as Sasha got home she was extremely relieved to find the apartment empty, glancing at the time she realised she had about four hours before Hailey would be home maybe longer. She packed her bags back up, running down the stairs to put them in her car before she sat at the table with a shoe box, a notepad and a pen. And started writing out the letters.

Dear Hailey,
I know this was selfish of me but I can't stay here any longer and I hope that you never have to find out why. You've been the best friend I have had in the past few years and you've shown me that there is a purpose to me being on this earth, even if I still don't see it. Don't try and look for me, it's a waste of your time, I need to get away. See you in ten years maybe?
Ps: could you make sure these other letters get to where they need to be? Thanks x
Sasha put down the pen and wiped the tears from her eyes before putting it into an envelope and writing her name on it and starting on the next one.

Dear Kelly,
You're one of the best people I know and Stella is lucky to have you, she may be stubborn but she needs you and I can see how much you love her. I have no doubts that she will say yes so don't get too worried about it. I know you will have so many questions as to why I left so suddenly but it would hurt you and my sister more if you knew the answers. Please take care of Stella,
Sasha x
She picked up another piece of paper and wrote one to her sister.

Hey Stel,
I know you're probably really angry at me right now but I need to go. I'm sorry for leaving you again but now you have an amazing second family and a perfect relationship. Hope your recovery is smooth and you get back to saving lives soon.
Your sister, Sasha.
At this point Sasha thought she had no more tears to cry but she was wrong as they just kept pouring as she reached for her badge and placed it in the box along with her gun and started writing the note to go along with it.

I am resigning from intelligence and moving away from Chicago, I am just letting you know and that I don't expect anything from you to get another job as I won't be trying.
Sasha Kidd.
As she finished she realised how suicidal these notes sounded and so after taping Voights note to the box she reopened the one addressed to Kelly and Hailey and added
Ps: these aren't suicide notes, I'm just moving away.
Realising Hailey would be on her way home Sasha grabbed her coat and left.

Less than an hour later Hailey got home, "Hey Sasha you in?" She called, getting no reply she put her gun and badge into the safe and headed into the kitchen where she saw the notes. "Oh god." She whispered as she read the names on them before opening hers.
"What were you dealing with kid." She said, after reading hers. "You could've got help." She muttered, picking up the rest of the letters and putting them on top of the box and heading back to the district.

"Upton, I thought you went home?" Voight Asked as his detective entered his office.
"I did but I found these on the kitchen table from Kidd, these are addressed to you." She briefly explained, not knowing how much Sasha had wanted the Sargent to know.
"Okay.." Voight said taking the box and opening it, a look of shock spreading across his face before he opened the letter and read it. "Has she left?" Voight Asked putting the letter down.
"All her stuffs gone from the apartment." Hailey Said with a sad smile, "Anyway, I best get going, I've got to go to the hospital." She Said, waving the other letters in her hand.
"If you hear from her, tell her that her spots always open if she wants to come back." Voight said pulling the badge out of the box and slipping it into his desk drawer.
"Will do." Hailey Said, turning on her heel and leaving.

"Hailey, I didn't expect to see you." Stella greeted the detective.
"Yeah, I didn't expect to be coming but um, Sashas gone. She left her badge on the table with some letters." Hailey Said, handing them both their letters.
"Oh god." Stella muttered as she opened hers. They sat in silence for a few minutes, varying emotions on both faces. "Why would she come back just to leave again?!" Stella shouted.
"She was dealing with something, I saw it and I bet Hailey saw it." Severide tried to calm her down.
"I did but it didn't start until you were in here so there's no way you could have noticed." Hailey Said with a small, sad smile from where she was stood near the door.
"But why wouldn't she talk to anyone? Why just leave me a stupid note." Stella argued.
"May I?" Severide gestured to her letter, once she nodded he picked it up. "She's left your letter brief so it won't impact your recovery, she told me that she's done it for you, there's something going on that would hurt us if we found out."
"No way." Stella said, refusing to believe that her sister was hiding something.
"Yes way." Severide Said, gripping her hand in his.

Somewhere on the border of Illinois
"You're just a useless piece of shit." The voices taunted her, causing her to pull the rental car over to the side of the road and pick up the bottle of vodka and her prescription antidepressants that sat on the seat next to her, popping two of the pills and downing them with a swig of the alcohol before pulling back out onto the road. Away from Chicago.

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