Your sister is asking for you

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29th June
"I'm too weak, they'll either catch me or I'll pass out first." Caitlin said, collapsing back against the wall as Sashas chains broke.
"I promise I'll come back, with the guys. Just hold on."

Severide woke from his sleep to see Sasha tossing and turning in her seat. Standing up, he made his way over to her and tapped her shoulder, ready for whatever reaction she might have. "Hey Sasha." He said gently shaking her shoulder. She kept out of her seat, tears began streaming down her face and she ran for the door. Luckily Kelly was ready and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tiny frame into his own muscular one.
"Let me go! I need to go or she'll die!" Sasha screamed.
"Sasha, it's me Kelly, you're at the hospital with your sister remember." He Said, his arms still tightly around her.
"Caitlin.." she said, her body shaking as the tears raced down her face. Not knowing what to say, Kelly picked her up and placed her back in the seat. "I'm sorry." Sasha apologised between sobs.
"You couldn't help it, it was just a nightmare." Kelly coaxed.
"It wasn't though. It all happened, I'm here, Caitlin isn't." Sasha argued.
"Look, I don't know what happened but you need to talk to someone. That was a pretty vivid nightmare." Kelly Said.
"Yeah." Sasha agreed. "I spoke to Dr Reese yesterday and she gave me her card."
"Give her a call." Severide said with a nod.

"Hey." Hailey Said, knocking on the door as she came in. "I brought you some stuff."
"Thanks." Sasha said, getting up from her seat. "When does Voight want me back at work?"
"Well, They're at a scene now and he said he wants you back for the next one but you can come and go as you need to." Upton explained.
"I guess you need to go then? Say thanks to Voight for me." Sasha said.

25th July
"It's all your fault, Caitlin would still be here today if you'd ran a bit faster." Shaw said.
The words that were never spoken floated around Sashas head as her phone started ringing.
"Detective Kidd." Sasha answered the phone groggily. Glancing at her clock she wondered why someone would be ringing her at half five.
"Hi, this is Dr Rhodes from Chicago Med, I'm so sorry if I woke you but your sister is asking for you." Rhodes said, a smile audible in his voice.
"Stellas awake!?" Sasha swung her legs out of bed.
"Yes, I guess I'll see you in a minute." Connor said.
"See you in a minute." Sasha said putting her phone down and getting ready in silence.

After writing Hailey a note on her way out she arrived at the hospital and beelined for Stellas room. "Hey." She said sticking her head around the ajar door.
"Hey." Stella said with a smile as tears began to flood Sashas eyes. "Don't cry, come here." She Said, holding her arms out to the younger Kidd. "What did I miss?" Stella asked.
"Not much." Sasha lied.

A few days earlier
"Hey Kelly, what can I do for you? Is it about Stella?" Sasha asked, she had been at work and raised her head as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Kinda." He answered nervously. "Can I talk to you some where?"
"Yeah come in here." Sasha lead him into the break room. "Now you're worrying me." She said shutting the door.
"It's nothing bad I just need to ask you something." Kelly said, fidgeting.
"Kel, you're shaking." Sasha said, pulling a chair out for him.
"I know you and your sister aren't close with your parents so I figured I should ask you." He hesitated.
"Ask me what?" Sasha asked, kinda already knowing what was coming.
"I want to ask Stella to marry me." He Said, his eyes connecting with the floor.
"And why are you so nervous about asking me?" She Said with a massive smile.
"So that's a yes?" He Said with a small smile.
"Duh?" Sasha said getting up and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Welcome to our crazy family."

25th July
"Did Connor tell you how long I'll be in here?" Stella asked.
"He said recovery could be a few months." Sasha said with a shrug. "You want me to call Kelly?"
"No, I want to spend some time with my sister before she has to go to work." Stella said with a smile.
"Well, I messaged Voight on my way over and he's given me the day off so I'm going nowhere." Sasha said with a smile. "How about I text Kelly once it's actually day time and get him to bring some food over?"
"Sounds like a plan." Stella agreed.

Multiple hours later Kelly had arrived with food, the three had eaten and Stella had fallen asleep.
"So when you gonna ask her?" Sasha whispered.
"I was thinking the day she gets out of here I'll pick you two up and there'll just be a note on the seat and when she turns round I'll be on one knee?" Severide explained his idea.
"Sounds cute and I get to be there." Sasha said with a smile as there was a knock on the door.
"Hey Sasha, Kelly, I was just coming to check on Stella but seeing she's asleep I'll come back later." He Said, backing out of the room.
"Dr Rhodes, do you know what day she'll be getting out of here?" Sasha asked.
"We'll try and get her on her feet on a few days and go from there so it could be anywhere from a week to a month." He Said with a shrug. "I wish I could be more precise but it varies massively between patients."

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