Whats wrong with my sister?

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"Hey, are you okay?" Sasha looked up to see a woman stood next to her, she didn't look much older then herself she thought. "Hey." The woman said waving her hand infront of Sashas face.
"Hey." Sasha said running a shaky hand through her hair. "Sorry I just..." He voice drained off.
"Wanna talk about it?" Dr Reese said sitting on the bench next to her.
"You a shrink?" Sasha said reading her name tag.
"Yeah, Dr Reese." She said with a smile.
"I've seen enough shrinks to last me a lifetime." Sasha stated.
"Well, they don't seem to have helped too much, if you don't mind me saying." Sarah said.
"Yeah, it was a kinda rough time, still think about it now." Sasha said before they fell into silence. "You ever lost someone even though it should've been you?" Sarah shook her head. "I was in the FBI about a year ago and I went undercover with one of my best friends to try and it went sideways. I still don't know how long we were there for but eventually there was a chance for one of us to escape and she sent me." Sasha said, blinking away the tears. "She never made it, I barely did. According to the doctors I should be six feet under with her. I was paralysed, lost my best friend and my job in one day. I was in a coma for seven months so they'd replaced me in the FBI. It took me six months to get back on my feet."
"That must have been rough." Sarah sympathised.
"Yeah, I'm always thinking about the what ifs. What if she'd had gone? If I'd ran faster would she still be here?" Sasha said with a sad smile as she remembered Caitlin.

Sasha sat with Dr Reese for about an hour before Sarah's pager went off. "I need to get back." She said pulling a card from her pocket. "If you need to talk again, ring me."
"Thank you." Sasha said taking the card and checking her phone. "Crap, I should head back too." She saw the multiple missed calls from Jay and Kelly.
"I was about to send out a search party." Kelly Said, pausing his pacing when the youngest Kidd walked in to the waiting room.
"Sorry, I got caught up." She Said with a shrug, collapsing into a chair away from everyone else.
"You alright?" Kelly Said sitting in the chair next to her.
"Yeah, this just dragged up some memories." Sasha said, looking at the floor.
"Same here." Kelly Said with a sympathetic smile as Sasha turned her head to look at him, he couldn't help but notice the tear stains down her cheeks.
"I'm not used to being in the waiting room." Sasha said, after a few minutes of silence.
"Danger magnet? Same here." Kelly Said with a shrug. "You know Will Halstead right?"
"Jays brother?" Sasha said.
"Yep, that's the one. He once pronounced me dead but they managed to save me." Kelly Said with a laugh.
"Seriously?" Sasha said laughing. "I think my worst hospital moment was flatlining about five times during a surgery with no one in the waiting room."
"Where was Stella?" Kelly asked.
"She doesn't know about it, and I'd like it to stay that way if you don't mind." Sasha said.
"Don't worry, that won't happen again now you're in Chicago." Kelly stated. "And I won't tell Stella."

A few hours later and the waiting room got crowded then empty again leaving just Sasha and Kelly.
You coming home tonight?
No, I'm gonna stay here.
K, should I bring you some stuff in the morning?
Thanks x

"Kelly!" Sasha half shouted. "Stop pacing, you're gonna burn a hole in the floor." Kelly sat down in a chair opposite her.
"Sorry, it's just last time the person I lived with was in there she didn't make it." Kelly explained. "I can't go through that again."
"You won't, Stels a fighter she's going nowhere." Sasha said.
"You going home tonight? I can keep you posted if you do?" Kelly offered.
"No, I'm gonna stay here and have Hailey bring me some stuff in the morning." Sasha said.
"Yeah, I'll probably get Matt and Gabby to grab some stuff for me and Stella." Severide Said.

They had both been in a light sleep when Sasha jumped awake to the sound of footsteps. "Hey." She said, calming herself down.
"Hey." Dr Rhodes said. "You're Stellas sister?" He asked.
"Yep, is she alright?" Sasha asked, panicked.
"It's been touch and go in surgery, we've placed her into a medically induced coma and put her on the vent." He explained as Severide woke up.
"Will She Be ok?" Kelly asked.
"The next twenty four hours are crucial but she's got a fighting chance, I can take you to her room but I'm going to ask for only two visitors at a time." Connor said leading them out.
Once they reached the room, Kelly walked inside and Sasha pulled Dr Rhodes to the side, "I know you're told not to use the medical words on family but I need to know whats wrong with my sister?"
"Okay." He Said hesitantly. "There were three bullet wounds, one was just a flesh wound, one punctured the left lung causing a pneumothorax. The other bullet was millimetres away from the pulmonary artery so it was extremely risky to remove it but the risk was higher to leave it there. However because of its location there is a possibility it could have caused more damage then we could see so we are taking her for a CT in the morning."
"How long will the recovery be?" Sasha asked, watching her sister and her boyfriend interact through the window.
"Depending on how well her body takes it, she could be in a coma for up too a month then recovery will be a few more ontop of that." Connor explained.
"Thank you doctor." Sasha said with a nod, turning and entering the room.

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