Someone always has your back

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Authors note: This will be the last chapter of this book but I am leaving it open for a sequel in the future.
"Hey." Hailey Said as she walked into Sashas hospital room with Jay.
"Thanks for calling me." Jay said to Will. "Hope he hasn't annoyed you too much," he said with a smile, before adding, "it's good to see you."
"I honestly forgot how much I miss everyone." Sasha said referencing the last time she had left Chicago for close to ten years.
"Well it's good to have you back." Hailey Said as she placed the shoebox Sasha had given to Voight on the small table.
"What's that.." Sasha stopped as she realised and was cut off.
"Voight wanted us to tell you your spots still there." Jay interjected. Sasha slowly lifted the lid of the box with some difficulty but after a hand from Jay she removed it and looked in.
"I don't know what to say." Sasha said, speechless that the Sargent would want a detective back who left with no warning.
"You had a more than valid reason to leave." Upton said, "anyone would've done the same."

They sat and talked for a while before there was a small knock at the door and Stella  slowly opened the door.
"Hey." Sasha said nervously when she didn't speak.
"Hey." Stella said slightly awkwardly as Wills eye met Jays in a glance only the two brothers could decode - if anything kicks off Get Stella out ASAP. "Kelly explained what he knew on the way over."
"And how much was that?" Sasha said looking towards Kelly, who had now appeared in the room and Jay.
"Hailey noticed a link to the letter C but we couldn't find a meaning so we asked Kelly." Jay explained.
"The letter C?" Sasha asked, partially confused, partially knowing what they meant.
"One of our victims had a necklace on that I recognised as yours, it had the engraving to S from C on the back." During Haileys explanation Sasha subconsciously reached towards the necklace that lied in its usual position around her neck.
"Caitlin gave it me for Christmas." Sasha said as the room looked towards the necklace she was running between her fingers and she dropped it. "Anyway, it's good to see you back on your feet."
"It's good to see you back." Stella said, slowly making her way to Sashas right. Once she made it she slipped her hand into Sashas.
"So you said yes?" Sasha said, feeling the smooth metal ring under her hand.
"You knew?" Stella said with a smile as she allowed Sasha to pull it towards her.
"Do you really think I would've left knowing there was a chance you could be in danger if I didn't know someone always has your back?" Sasha asked, sending a small smile in Kelly's direction.
Authors note: This is a shorter chapter but I think I will leave it there. Thanks for reading this story, go check out some of my others if you haven't already!

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