Ready to come home

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"Chicago PD!" Atwater shouted as he kicked the door in, he entered closely followed by Voight, Dawson and Upton leaving Burgess, Halstead and Ruzek entering from the back. Somehow one of Antonio's CIs recognised the most recent victim and knew the guys she and her friend had gone home with about a week ago.
"Halstead! Someone's running out the back!" Upton shouted as she saw a figure move infront of her.
"Drop the gun." Atwater said as he rounded a corner into what looked to be a bedroom where a guy was holding a small knife to a woman's throat.
"Not happening." He Said, pushing the knife into her throat and drawing blood. A shot rang through the air and the suspect fell to the ground and the woman ran into Atwater, who hadn't fired his gun. Confused, he turned around to see Voight who nodded as Atwater walked the woman out to the ambulance that had pulled up outside.

"How is she?" Atwater asked Jay as him and Upton returned from the hospital.
"Physically she'll be fine, mentally it'll take time." Jay said sitting at his desk.
"I'm gonna go make a call." Hailey said pulling her phone from her pocket with a small smile.
"Hey, is everything alright?" Sasha answered.
"You ready to come home?" Hailey said happily.
"Seriously?" Sasha said not believing it.
"Victim 11 is alive and at med, one guy is dead the other is in interrogation with Voight." Hailey Said, Sasha went quiet for a few seconds before quiet sobs could be heard. "Hey, Hey, what's wrong?"
"I think Im dreaming." Sasha said with a laugh.
"Trust me you're not." Hailey Said with a laugh. "They're gone."
"I'll be back by tomorrow." Sasha said hanging up.
"So?" Ruzek asked as he saw Hailey walk back in.
"She's on her way back." Hailey said happily.

Sasha was almost back to Chicago and in Illinois. The sun was just setting as she was driving down a small road through a more remote area when a car came speeding around the corner and knocked her small rental off the road and rolling into the bushes that lined the road.

"Hey, can you hear me?" A man called down to the car as he clambered down the side of the road leaving his female companion on the road to call 911.
"I need to go." Sasha said, obviously confused. "She needs help." She added as she turned to look at the ginger man who was stood by her upside down car.
"I wouldn't recommend moving right now." He Said as he crouched down to get a better look at her injuries. Will wouldn't of recognised her if it wasn't for the small scar running down her hairline that he had stitched up for her a few weeks earlier. "Sasha?" He said. "Who needs help?" He asked.
"Caitlin." She said. Will remembered that name from her medical records.
"Listen to me Sasha, an ambulance is on its way. You're having an episode of PTSD." Will said as he looked up towards Nat.
"Will?" Sasha questioned, her voice pulling his attention back to her.
"Hey, We'll have you out of there in a minute." Will said.
"I think my collarbones broken." Sasha said, slowly moving her right hand towards her left shoulder.
"Anything else hurt?" Will asked as the sirens neared.
"I think my legs pinned but aside from that and the cut on my head I think I'm good." Sasha Answered.
"Alright, I'll call Jay on the way to med because this looks like a hit and run." Will said as the firefighters climbed down the hill.
"Doc, What've we got?" Severide asked as he reached the car followed by the rest of Squad 3. He froze as he saw the familiar face inside the car. "Sasha?"
"Hey." Sasha said awkwardly seconds before her eyes slowly drifted closed.
"Let's get her out fast." Kelly ordered to his team, Will taking a step back to try and avoid getting in the way.

"Kelly?" Sasha said drowsily as she opened her eyes naming the last face she remembered.
"He's just gone to get Stella." A familiar voice said.
"Hailey?" Sasha said, looking over to her left. A wave of panic hitting her as she realised her neck didn't turn. "What's wrong with me?" Sasha said, getting close to tears as she stared at the blanket that covered her legs waiting for her toes to move.
"I'm so sorry.." Hailey started.

"Sasha! Sasha!" Wills voice forced her eyes open. "Hey, take it easy." He Said as she tried to sit up.
"Am I paralysed again?" Sasha asked frantically as she started moving her toes and watched the blanket move before bursting into tears.
"It was just a bad dream." Will assured her. "Your diagnosis was correct, broken collarbone, a few nasty cuts on your leg and a minor concussion. You've only been here for a few minutes, we weren't expecting you to wake up for a while."
"Thanks Will, if you hadn't of shown up when you did.." her voice faded out as she remembered her past experiences with people being too late.
"Don't think like that. Anyone driving past would've seen you and done the same thing." He said pulling a seat next to her bed.
"What are you doing? Don't you have other patients?" Sasha asked confused.
"I was on vacation but I took your case so you're my only patient. Thought I would sit with you for a bit." Will shrugged.
"You've told Jay I'm here right? Hailey's expecting me back tonight." Sasha remembered.
"Yep there on their way." Will said. "You want to talk about the dream?"
"I suppose so, you've read my medical history..."

Authors note: sorry for being inactive, not only on this story but in general, I was on a family holiday and I've been getting back into my routine for school which means updates should be a bit more regular on my account.
As for this book I'm not sure where to go with it now so I might tie it up soon and start uploading another story I have called "5 Years" so comment what you think whether it's ideas for this story or you want me to upload 5 Years.

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