Fish Girl

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"Hey, wake up." I groaned in response. "Y/N, wake up!" I screamed into my pillow. "Ugh, shit." "Hey dude, come on." She inhaled loudly and sighed.

"I know its the worst but you gotta go." I pulled my face from my pillow and sat up. "Alyssa you don't understand, you don't even have school. It's so unfair that you dropped out of University and started a multi-million dollar business and I have to go to school and 'learn'." She smiled and snickered. "I'm one lucky whore." "Damn straight."

I stood up and walked up to my closet. "Hey, you were up pretty late last night, what were you doing?" "Uh, watching Slazo," I said as I rummaged through my closet. "Seriously? That weird Australian lemon boy?" "Lemon boy?" "He looks like a fucking lemon." "You need Jesus," I laughed.

Alyssa stood up and walked to my door. She was about to leave when she seemed to remember something. "I made you some toast, it's on the counter. I'll be waiting in the car so hurry up." I nodded and she left.

I sighed, looking through my closet. "This is a new school so I should make a good impression." I looked over all my clothes. "I own three shirts...fuck." "Fuck it, just choose the least ratchet thing." I reached for a hoodie and turned it to face me. "Meh, it'll do." I got it off the hanger and put it on then grabbed some pants and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

I grabbed my burnt toast and my backpack and went outside. Alyssa had just got her car out of the garage and pulled up to me. I wrapped my hand around the handle and got into the car. Alyssa stared at me as I sat down and blinked slowly. "What? Is there something in my teeth?" She looked me up and down. "Are you really going dressed like that?"

I stared at her confused. "What? do you expect me to put on a dress and makeup?" She sighed and turned to the wheel. "No, I was just expecting a little more effort. You're supposed to be my little sister after all." I furrowed my brows. "Do you want me to like rainbows and unicorn shit?" She laughed a little and started the car.

"You know Alyssa, I'm almost 18 you don't have to drive me to school anymore." "Don't you like driving with me?" She frowned and looked at me. "I guess... Idiot." She punched my arm. "What was that for?!" I shot my head to face her "Don't disrespect your elders." I rolled my eyes and turned my head back to the road."Whatever."

We drive in silence for a little longer before she pulls up in front of the school. "Here we are! Stay safe and use protection!" I shake my head in embarrassment "Fucks sake, Alyssa." I got out of the car and waved as she drove away. I turned around looking at the big ass school. "Alright, where am I going?"

I looked down at my schedule, under first period it said English. "Great..." I mumbled to myself. I walked up to the school and walked through the doors looking at the terrifying reality before me. "Look at all these wankers." I walked through all the shit heads hoping an almighty god would lead me to English.

I looked around at everyone, some people staring at me, some people not even acknowledging my existence. Suddenly I heard a bell and flinched. Like a fucking tsunami, people started shoving me and before I knew it, the halls were empty. I was just standing there not knowing where the fuck to go. I sighed angrily and ruffled my short hair a bit.

I started my adventure to English with a jaunty walk and a look of pure confidence. "I got this!" I took the first turn and my jaunty walk was stopped by an embarrassing fall. " Who the fuck just ran into me." "What the hell," I whispered to myself. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there, you're really short." "Who is this ass wipe?"

I stood up realizing I hadn't even looked up to see him. I rolled my eyes and looked up. "You absolute-" I was about ready to get hella pissed but I stopped and my eyes widened and my body grew tense. "No fucking way." "I'm sorry what is your name?" He asked me, stopping my thoughts. "My name?" "Uh, yeah."

"Y/N, it's umm Y/N." "Oh, well I'm sorry I bumped into you I'm kinda new here and I'm looking for English." "Yeah, me too." "I guess we can find it together then." "Yeah, um what is your name?" "Michael." "I fucking knew it." "Alright lemon boy let's go." "Lemon boy?" "What do you not like it?" "No-I mean yes-I mean..."

"Alright, calm your tits lemon boy." He stayed silent after that and we just walked down the halls looking for this stupid class. The awkward tension intensified as we walked in complete silence. "Why the hell can't I think of anything to say? I mean come on, there's gotta be something. Literally anything."

"So, you like fish?" He laughed and looked at me. "I'm sorry, did you just ask if I like fish?" "What the hell is wrong with me! Fish, fucking fish!" "Whattttt!? Who would ask about fish! Only someone weird and I'm totally normal, y-you're the weird one!"

"Uh, okay." "Alright stay cool and calm and collected." "Oh look, there it is!" He exclaimed. "Fucking finally!" "Alright lemon boy, thanks for the adventure was really nice knowing ya." "Hey, wait!" I screamed internally as I turned towards him slowly "What up?"

"We're both new here, why don't we like, be friends?" "Holy shit, what is happening. I'm going to have a stroke." "Are you sure? I'm kind of an asshole." He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean I'm kind of an asshole too, so why not?" "Alright Lemon boy, you got a deal!"

"Alright, if you get to call me lemon boy I'm going to call you something stupid too." "Alright, what are you thinking?" He rubbed his hand against his chin like he was in deep thought. "Fish girl!" "Fish girl?! Why fish girl?" "Why lemon boy?" "Touche bitch, touche."

He smiled and turned around walking towards English. "Hey wait for me!" I ran up to walk beside him. He looked down at me and stared. "What?" He turned his head back and kept walking. "Why was he staring at me? Maybe I do have something in my teeth." We opened the classroom door and the whole class turned to us. "Why are you so late!?"

The teacher began to scold us questioning the fucking jimmies out of us. "Alright, quickly go take a seat." We both nodded and sat in two seats in the back. "Is he really..." I turned around to look at him and he smiled and waved. I turned back around and looked up at the board. "Is he really Slazo?"

Hey lemon boy lovers! Thanks for reading this hope you liked it! I will be updating as soon as I can! Alright byeeeeee!

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