Going up

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Me and Kerry had been walking for 15 minutes, I was behind him catching him when he stumbled and almost fell. "Do you have any idea where you're going?" I had moved back here pretty recently. I'd only been living here for 2 weeks, and the last time I was here was 11 years ago, so I really didn't remember anything about how to get around.

"Of course I do! Lookie, there it is right there!" He pointed up to a tall building that was probably around Gru height. "Does he live alone? These places are pretty small and can only fit two people at most."
"Are your parents home? Is there someone to take care of you and make sure you don't die?"

He turned to me, almost falling over. "No, I live all by my selfie. I'm so lonely. You should come and live with me! We can play board games and order pizza!" Although I did enjoy pizza and board games, I doubt I would enjoy Kerrys company, especially when he's sober.

"Im sure I would, but for now we have to get up there. Can you make it without throwing up?" He threw himself into my arms. "Carry me
Y/N!" "Is he serious?" I looked down at him, sunken in my arms. "Fine. Only because you're pathetic and I doubt you weigh more than 90 pounds." He smiled and got out of arms and jumped onto my back.

"Oof." As I expected he was extremely light and took almost nothing to pick up. He wrapped his arms around my neck almost choking me to death. "Y-your choking me!" He immediately loosened his grip. "Im sorry." I shook it off and started walking into the large apartment building. I was just happy to see there was an elevator.

"What floor do you live on?" I said, smashing the up button on the elevator. "Smash that FUCKING LIKE BUTTON. Oh yes, I could see it now. Michael should definitely start begging for likes like that." I laughed to myself and got in the elevator. "Well?" Still no response. I turned my head to face him. "Did he seriously pass out?"

I sighed and walked out of the elevator. I walked over to the counter of the lobby, making sure I was not running in the lobby. I hit the little bell in the front and waited for someone to walk out of the backroom. To my surprise, someone came rushing out from the back. "I am so sorry ma'am! I'm hoping you didn't wait long!"

I could feel the internal cringe fester inside my being as soon as I saw someone so dedicated to a bellhop job. "No worries my dude. So, my man here needs to get home. Do you have any idea what room he lives in?" The bellhop observed Kerrys face. "Oh wow, is that Kerry? Does he need medical attention?" I assumed he was joking and I chuckled but his face only showed concern.

"Oh, you're serious. No, he's fine. So, do you know?" The bellhop seemed to jump realizing he hadn't answered my question. "Oh, yes! Of course, sorry ma'am! He lives in 12D. Does he have the key on him?" I realized I had no idea and I didn't intend on groping his ass to find them. "No." The bellhop nodded, as if expecting it.

He turned around and opened a draw. "Here is his keys. We have plenty of them made already since he seems to lose them so frequently. Anyway, if you need any further assistance, feel free to ask." He flashed a smiled and waved goodbye. "YeEsH." I turned around back to the elevator which now had a woman in it.

"Hold the door please!" She reached out her hand to hold the elevator as I walked over. "Thank you." I said walking into the elevator. "Is that Kerry? Poor boy, I wonder what's wrong this time." "This time? How often does he get drunk?" The elevator popped up to floor 10 and the lady exited the elevator.

She turned around before the doors closed. "Take good care of him for me." A sad smiled spread across her face as the elevator doors closed. "Are Kerry and that woman close? Why does everyone I run into in this building seem to know him?"

The elevator stopped and the doors slowly opened to the 12th floor. Keys in hand, I walked over the door that read 12D in bold print. I put the keys into the lock and pushed the door open. "Home sweet home."

Hey lemon boy lovers! How you been feeling about us getting to know a little more about the rival? P.s Can we all just agree that Slazo doesn't look like a Michael? No, just me? Okay. P.s.s art on top was done by p_typ3 on Instagram.

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