We won't give up. ch. 7

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A bit of dramaa :)

Enjooyyy .

~Kylee :)xx


*Megans POV*

I'm exited to hang out with Luke today. I text him and ask if Kylee can come. He said it was fine and he'll bring Jai and maybe Beau. I'm confused about Kylee.. I saw her and Beau holding hands but also her and Jai.. She has had a massive crush on Jai ever since we found out about them. I really like Luke, he's super sweet and really funny. He cares, I need that. I can't take being taken advantage of again. My last boyfriend.. It just brings tears to my eyes to even think of him, think of what he did to me. I'm just waiting to see if he'll be the one to break down my walls. I hear Kylee waking up and I wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Kylee" I shake her. "We are chilling with the boys today, they're gonna teach us how to skateboard"

She stretches and yawns.

"We're really here." She says tiredly.

"Thanks captian obvious" I reply.

"It's just hard to beleive." She says

"Yeah" I reply.

I get up and go take a shower. After I dry my hair and straighten it and put on a pair of short shorts and one of my brothers old non zipper sweaters. I get a pair of ankle socks and my black vans and walk out of my room and quickly eat a bowl of cereal. Kylee comes out in a baggy non zipper sweater with a superman logo on the front and a pair of beige short shorts and blue vans and her hair in a messy bun.

"Sexy huh?" She asks

I laugh and nod.

*Kylee's POV*

I can tell by the look on Megans face that somethings wrong.

"Megan..?" I say "What's wrong..?"

She looks at me and her eyes are filled with tears.

"I.. I just can't be hurt.. again.. Jordan really hurt me.. I never told anyone.."

"You broke up? I know that.. Kyle hurt me too Megan."

"You don't get it" she says with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm saying Jordan REALLY hurt me"

She lifts up her shirt and her ribs are badly bruised and her back is as well.

"Megan.." I start "Why.. why didn't you tell me..?"

"I couldn't.. I was too scared.." She starts to cry a bit harder "One night.. He invied me over.. And when I got there.. He tried to take my clothes off.. I wasn't ready.. At all. I pushed him away and tried to get to the door.. But her grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. He pushed me to the floor. I was screaming and screaming but no one, no one could hear me. He.. raped me that night.. I'm so lucky.. So lucky that I am not pregnant. After he raped me, I tried to leave again but he heard me. He threw me on the floor again and he kicked my ribs. Only one time.. But he punched me repeatedly in the back.."

At this point I was crying as well. I hugged her and we cried there for a few minutes.

"I'm so sorry.." I sobbed.

"I only broke up with him the morning we left..  That way I was safe."

I wiped my eyes and hugged her again.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that.." I say again as I pull away from the hug. "Are you still okay to go today?"

"Yeah, Luke makes me happy." She forces a smile "He takes my mind off of things"

"Same with Jai" I reply.

"Yeah, well I'm going to get cleaned up and then we'll leave."

"Okay!" I say.

I go to get some food as Megan goes to fix her make-up. I put some bread in the toaster and find the Nutella. I search for a plate and set it down. I spread the Nutella and quickly eat it and update twitter. I've gained over 6,000 followers. I go to my mentions and I see Jai posted a picture that he snapped that was a joke of us sticking our tounges out. I laugh and retweet and reply.

"Jai, why?" I get over 50+ retweets and smile.

Megan comes out and she grabs her keys and slings a sackpack over her shoulders and puts her phone in her pocket.

"Let's go!" She rushes.

"Okay" I say.

I run to the kitchen and put my plate in the sink and I grab my sackpack and my phone and we run out the door. We get outside and we call the boys.

"Where do we go?" Megan asks. "Yeah.. Okay.. Mhm.. Got it. Thanks!" And she hangs up.

"So?" I ask.

"It's just up there" She points.

"Okay" I say.

We start walking to the skatepark and when we get there, we look around for the boys. We see Luke, Jai, and Beau sitting on the top of a ramp.

"BROOKS" Megan shouts.

The boys look towards our direction and laugh. They come towards us on their long boards.

"We thought we'd teach you girls how to long board before anything." Luke says.

"Okay!" Megan says with a smile. "Let's do it"

Luke slides the board her way and she cautiously steps on it. Luke takes her hands and guides her to a more quiet area. I turn to Jai and he sets down his longboard. I step on it and he goes behind me and takes me by my waist and guides me to where Luke and Megan went. When we get there, Megan is on the ground on top of Luke and they are both laughing. They both get up and continue. Jai pushes me and lets go.

"JAI!" I scream and look at him.

I start to lose balance and start to fall over and Beau puts a hand on my back and pushes me back on the board.

"Thanks" I say

I get off the board and go over to Jai.

"Sorry" he says.

"It's fine!" I laugh.

I get back on and we keep at it for another two hours or so. I finally get the hang of it and skate past Jai and take his hat. I skate faster and faster and leave the park and go down the street. I look behind me and see Jai running. He starts to catch up and I try to skate faster but he catches me.

"You are too fast" I say

"ye...yeahh.." He pants. I give him back his hat and stand on the long board.

"I'm almost your height!" I say exitedly.

"Not quite" He laughs.

I step off and he jumps on the long board and skates away. I laugh and jog back to the skate park. I see Megan and Luke climbing a tree and Jai setting down the board and attempting to climb the tree. He fails at first but gets it the second time. He climbs up and I walk over.

"Come get me" He looks down at me

"Can't" I say

"Loooossseerrr" He laughs

I fake cry and look down.

"Thanks" I say.

"No problem." He replies.

I sit down and lean against the trunk of the tree and Jai hops down. He sits infront of me and picks grass and throws it at me. I stick my tounge out and he laughs.

"I'm gonna skate for a bit." He says and pulls his penny board out of his backpack.

"Okay" I say.

He gets up and starts to skate around. I go on facebook on my phone and my mom asks to go on skype. I agree and open the skype app on my iphone. I call my mom and she is sitting with my family.

"Hey mum!" I smile.

"Hi, sweetie!" She says. "Where are you?"

"At a skate park" I reply "With some friends"

"Friends? Already?" She asks

"Great confidence boost mum"

"Love you!" she smiles.

I look over at Jai and there are girls flirting with him. My heart shatters and I frown.

"I gotta go mum." I sigh "Love you"

"Love you too honey" She replies.

I click 'end call' and look over at Jai again, he is still with the girls. Beau comes over and sits next to me.

"What's up?" He asks.

"Nothing.." I reply and look at Jai again.

"What is she doing here?" Beau asks

"Who?" I say confused

"Her" Beau points to the girl who is all over Jai.

He grabs my hand and pulls me over to Jai and the girls.

"GET LOST" Beau shouts.

I look at Jai and he has a disgusted look on his face.

"Aww Beauu!" she sqeals

"GO AWAY!" Beau shouts again. "WE BROKE UP ANNA!"

"Doesn't mean I can't have your brother!" She laughs and the others girls chime in.

"He likes someone else actually." Beau says and whips my hand in the air.

"Ew. Why her Jai? She's ugly!" She mocks.

"You know what Anna?" Jai says angryly "She's fucking perfect. So take your slutty friends and get lost."

"Aww! The baby is mad!" she smiles.

"Can you just fucking leave?" I ask "Honestly, you are so goddamn annoying."

Her smile fades and she raises her hand and Beau grabs her wrist.

"Leave." he says while dropping her wrist.

She turns around and walks away.

Beau walks back towards the tree and Jai leans in and hugs me. He smells really good.

"I'm sorry.." He frowns "Make it up to you? Dinner tonight? At 6?"

"Sure" I smile

"It's a date" He smiles "Double date?"

"Suree!" I say

"Great!" He says "I'll tell Luke."

"I'll tell Megan!" I laugh.

"Okay, see you tonight!" He says

"Yep" I smile

He leans in and kisses my forhead and walks away. I tell Megan and we go home to get ready.

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