We won't give up. Ch. 24

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Sorry for being so late, I've been super busy. 

Thinking of deleting this. I don't like it too muchh.. 

Enjoy this chapter (: ~ 

~Kylee :)xx 



 He lifts me onto my feet and into the room. He goes back and cleans up the bathroom. 

Jai comes in and see's the towel. 

"What happened?!" He asks rushing to my side. 

I take off the towel and show him my fresh cuts. 

"Wh.. why.. would you do this..?" he asks. 

"Like you don't know." I say and get up to get a bandaid. 

"I don't.." he says. 

"Why don't you go look at the laptop over there? It may clear somethings up.." I say while putting bandaids on. 

He walks over to the laptop and I can see tears forming in his eyes. 

*end of recap* 

*Kylee's POV*

Beau comes out of the washroom and comes up to me. 

"Why'd you do it?" he asks looking into my eyes. 

Tears start to fillmy eyes, I didn't want to start drama between the boys and possibly break up the janoskians.

"I.. I.. I don't know. I just needed release.." I stutter. 

"You didn't have to resort to cutting" he says softly. 

"Please.. Please don't tell the others.." I say and hug him. 

He hugs back and rubs my back softly. I cry into his chest before I feel him stop. I look into his eyes and they're squinted looking at the laptop. He lets me go and walks towards Jai and the laptop. I see Jai's tear stained cheeks and my heart breaks. Beau looks at the laptop and then at Jai. 

"Are you fucking serious?" He says getting in Jai's face. 

"It's not what it looks like" he says pushing Beau back.

"Well, what it looks like is you cheated. I could treat her so much better" Beau spits.

"Guys just stop." I say stepping in between the two boys. 

"Kylee, can I talk to you.. Please..?" Jai asks.

I nod and a single tear streams down my cheek. I look at Beau and he gives me a look as if to say "Are you sure?" I nod at him and he leaves the room.

I sit on the hotel room bed. Jai stands about two metres away. I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around my knees tightly. I sit there quietly waiting for Jai to speak. He just stares into my mixed eyes. I stare into his brown orbs. We sit in silence until finally he begins. 

"I know you won't believe me, but the picture isn't recent.. I swear.." Jai says. "It was with one of my ex's a while back. The picture is only being surfaced now, but it's from two months before you were here.. We were at her house. She didn't want her friends knowing, and didn't want me telling. I don't know why, but she didn't.."

Jai talking about another girl made me start to cry. I didn't know weather to believe him or not. I just listen to his voice speak softly across from me. The tears pour down my cheeks, but he doesn't dare to come closer. I don't know why.. 

"She didn't want us public. Mum didn't even know. My brothers always thought I was going to hang with Tyla. Please believe me. I don't want to lose you, not now, not ever. You mean so much to me.." He says, tears threatening his eyes. 

I don't say anything. I just sit there and cry. Jai stands and stares at me, still not coming any closer, if anything moving further. Jai sighs and walks out of the room. I take out my headphones and plug them into my phone. I put "river flows in you" by Yiruma on repeat. I slip under the hotel room bed covers and pull them over my head. I cry until there is nothing left. 

~The next day~ 

*Kylees POV* 

I dragged myself out of bed to take a shower. I let the cold water hit my skin until it went warm. I got out and changed into comfertable clothes for the plane ride back. I packed my bags and set them by the door. Megan and Neely sit on the couch ready to go. Someone knocks on the door and I rush back to my room. 

"Hey" I hear Megan greet. 

Luke walks in towards the couch and sits down. I quietly walk to the couch and join the rest and get a text from my mum. 

"Hi hun. We're just coming to the hotel to say bye. We love you. See you soon" I read. 

Beau walks through the door followed by Daniel. Beau plops next to me and nods his head towards the door. 

"Let's talk?" he says quietly. 

I nod and we get up in sync and head towards the door. We go to the lobby and out onto the street. 

"You okay?" he asks 

I simply shake my head. I bite my lip to stop it from quivering. I wipe the tear that was about to roll down my cheek. I feel strong arms wrap around my shoulders pulling me into a hug. My head is buried in Beau's chest while I silently sob. 

"I know. I know." Beau says softly. 

I sniff and Beau releases me. I wipe my eyes from any stray tears and throw my head back. 

"Why me. What did I do to deserve this." I say aloud. 

"It happens to the best of us" Beau comforts. 

We spend another half hour talking and venting before making it back to the hotel to see my mum and dad. I spent a bit of time with them before driving to the airport. We waited in the terminal for forever. Soon, our flight was called and we boarded. I looked at my seat and quickly found it. Window seat. I pu my carry on by my feet and get comfy. I stare out the window until I hear shuffling from beside me. I look to my left to see Jai. 

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