Chapter 2: The 12 boys are EXO?!

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"Ugh." I woke up and sat up. Ouch, oh yeah, the stab.         My shoulder's have a plaster on it.         Wait, where am I?! This isn't my house! I look around, why are there so many guys here?! Don't tell me... aah! No! Think postive Rinna. Think positive. How may are they?!         I notice one guy sleeping at the side of the bed 've been sitting on. He looks familiar..

He soon woke up and sat properly.

"Z-Zio?" I asked.

"Zio? No, I'm not Zio. I'm Xiumin." he smiled.         It's impossible that he's Zio. Zio's dead already. Use your brain, Rinna.

"Sh*t." he cursed. "Guys ! Wake up!" he shouted.He stood up and patted the boys in their cheeks. One by one, they woke up. They all look to me.

"What?"  I asked.         Seriously, is there something on my face?         They all chuckle.

"Good thing you're okay." the tallest one said.

"U-uhh, thank you for the help and treating me." i said slightly bowing my head. They all smile to me.         Is it only me or they're like angels sent by God? Seriously, they look like angels!

"By the way, I'm Suho, their leader." someone said.

"Leader?" I curiously asked.

"Yeah, I'm the leader. We're EXO." EXO? I think I heard it somewhere before. Let me think. EXO...



"Aah!!" I shouted surprised from what I've discovered. They all run to my side surrounding the bed.

"What's wrong?!"

"Does your shoulder ache?!" They all panicked. I cover my face with my hands. 

"Y-You! You're EXO that all the girls are talking about! They always say that you're all handsome and I didn't think I'd meet you like this!" I shouted still covering my face but I can see from the gap of my fingers that they're blushing.         So cute!! *^*

"Oh, that's why." Suho said, still blushing.         Help me! I'm going to nosebleed!        I removed my hands from my face.

"I'm Chanyeol, the Reaction King." another tall guy said.

"I'm Kris, the leader of EXO-M." the tall guy earlier said.

"I'm Chen, the Troller!"

"I'm the maknae, Sehun."

"I'm the King of Eyeliner, Baekhyun!"

"I'm the dancing machine, Kai!"

"I'm D.O"

"I'm the healing unicorn, Lay!"

"I'm AB style Kung Fu Panda, Tao!"

        They're all smiling brightly but been cut beacuse they're waiting for Xiumin to introduce.

"Hyung! Your turn!" Chen playfully slapped Xiumin's arm.

"I've already introduced to her earlier when you're all sleeping, right?" he turned to me. I nodded.

"I don't care! EXO isn't complete without the introducetion!" Xiumin gave up.

"Alrighty, I'm EXO's Baozi, Xiumin!" he said. EXO seems satisfied. My eyes were drifted to their wall clock. 9:30?!

"OMO! My work!" I shouted. I immediately got out of the bed and turned to them.

"Uhh, where's my things?" I asked. Sehun handed me my bag. I headed to the door.

"Are you really planning to gou like that?" Kai said. I stopped and looked at my outfit. Large shirt and long pajamas. This isn't my clothes! My thought earlier came to my mind.

"Kyaa!! Perverts!" I threw my bag to them.

"It wasn't us! It was the doctor!" Luhan shouts.

"Doctor?!" I asked in anger.

"When i saw you bleeding yesterday, I panicked. I thought that EXO's dorm is nearby so brought you here. We just called a private docrtor!" Xiumin explained like it's a rap.

"Why didn't you just get me to the hospital?!" I asked.

"It'll be a scandal f I do!" Xiumin said. The others nodded quickly. Now, Rinna, what're you gonna do? Idiot!         The room is filled with silence.

"Uhh, Rinna, your work." Suho said handling the bag to me.

"Oh no! I forgot! Let's just talk about this sometime!" I said and got my bag and left.

Saved from the Painful Past. (ft. Xiumin and EXO)Where stories live. Discover now