Chapter 1: Wtf

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Today was a normal, boring Monday. I got up, got dressed, and got ready for school. The only reason it was boring was because I have nothing to do half the time. My work gets finished almost the first hour I get it. I'm aceing all my classes and I'm a loner. I have two friends. I don't really fit in with the croud. I have long h/c hair and sparkling e/c eyes. I'm not the nicest looking creature but I don't really care. I look good enough for me. When I woke up for the past few mornings (Saturday, Sunday, this morning), I've had a random song stuck in my head (the part of Epona's song that you hear Malon singing). I just recently turned 13 years old. My two friends were already teenagers. I'm the youngest in the group. While I was walking to school, I just couldn't shake that song out of my head. I ended up humming the song nearly the while way to school. It was the same during the day, it was stuck in my head along with another song (Zelda's lullaby). I've never heard anything remotely similar but yet the second song that got stuck in my head seems familiar and the first one seems like one I should probably remember even though I don't remember it at all and I don't feel like I knew it at some point.

The day was normal besides the two songs in my head. I finished all of my school work within the first half of the day and I only talked to Bff/n and 2Bff/n (best friend and second best friend). I was leaving school and the walk back home was basically the same story as my walk to school with the song.

Link POV

"Calm down Epona!" I shouted. Epona was a little strange for the whole day and for the past few days. Zelda noticed me with Epona. I had visited her to be sure everything was still alright in Hyrule as far as she knew. She walked outside and I told her that this has been happening for a bit. "It seems like someone is calling Epona. I don't know who though..." She trailed off. "It might be Malon singing Epona's song." I suggested. She shook her head no. "In order to call over Epona with the song you require something with some kind of strong enough power. Like your ocarina for example. Malon was merely able to call Epona over before because the horse was near and liked the melody. I don't know-" She said before cutting herself off in realization. "It can't be." She mumbled to herself. "What?" I asked. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at me. "Nothing!" She said but I knew it was clearly important. "Which could be doing this?" I asked her with a little bit of strictness in my voice. She sighed. "I'll explain." She said and we went inside the castle so that she could explain and no one outside would hear.

Zelda's POV

It can't possibly be her. The other princess. Is she awakening? Is she unknowingly calling Epona?


I was at home humming the second song that was stuck in my head. The first song would be sung sometimes though. I don't get it. Why are these songs stuck in my head. I just don't get it.

Heya dudes. That wasn't a very big chapter but I was running out if ways to continue it so in leaving it here. Bye!

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