Read the title to know what kind of story.
Y/n is a 'normal' seventh grader. Or so she thought.
In this story, there is no LoZ game so it is just randomness. Enjoy.
Y/n has to balance life in Hyrule and life as a loner and a target for bullies. Dun...
Me, Zelda and Link finally made it into the castle. "Your right. I should probably get better guards." Said Zelda, now knowing that her guards are horrible at their jobs. "You should." I said. The sun is almost completely set now. "Yelp, I'm off to bed. It's late." I said and walked off.
Zelda POV
Something's been bothering me lately. I feel as though danger is near. I feel like Y/n will be caught up in something horrible. I try to shake the thought from my head but it doesn't work. Y/n walks off to go to bed. "What's wrong Zelda?" Link asked. "Huh?" I asked breaking out of my thoughts. "Y/n noticed this earlier, but why are you spacing out?" He asked. "I feel like danger is soon approaching. And I believe that Y/n is in danger." I replied. He looked at me like 'what!?!?'
Link POV
What!?!? I know I've felt like Y/n wasn't safe but I thought it was just me being paranoid. I don't think so as much now though. What's going to happen?
I woke up the next morning and got dressed in an outfit I had found. It looked kinda like Link's outfit but f/c (if your favourite colour is green, different shade than Link's outfit) and I had brown knee high boots with short heels on the but more feminine. I was also wearing black leggings instead of white tights. Instead of a hat, I was wearing an f/c bow in my hair that matched my outfit that held it up in a high ponytail. Today, I was ready before Link showed me to where the dinning room is. We headed down and Zelda seemed to be spacing out even more if that's even possible. I tried to ignore it because I doubt that she would tell me why. We decided it's best to not leave the castle today or else we'll lose even more guards due to injury. Haha *nervous laugh*. Anyway, breakfast was amazing once again. Zelda showed me around the castle along with Link. By the end of the day, I knew where and what everything was.
It was starting to get kinda late buylt something felt strange. It feels like I'm being watched. But every time I look around, no one's there. I'm currently in my bed trying to sleep but I just can't shake the feeling. I'm so scared I almost wanna cry. I felt tears forming in my eyes but thankfully, they didn't fall. I'm terrified right now. I can't see anything and I swear that I'm not alone in this room.
Link POV
Something's strange tonight. I feel like Y/n is in danger and I know that Zelda feels the same just by the look on her face. We brought her here to protect her, not have anything bad happen. I ran up to her room to check on her. When I opened the door, I saw Dark Link had appeared in front of Y/n. She seemed terrified. Dark Link looked over in my direction. We then started fighting.
Link and a darker version of Link started fighting in my room. Link almost lost. He had lost his sword and is almost unconscious. "God dammit Link! You're not even good enough to fight yourself!?" I said in an angrier, sassier, more annoyed tone. I got up from my bed and grabbed his sword which was right infront of me. I then hit the darker Link with the non sharp part of the blade on his head and that knocked him out. Link got up and was just staring like 'wtf'. "Now get him out of here! I don't ever want to see his ugly face ever again!" I yelled at Link as an order. He was just about to do so when he realized something. "Wait.... But......" She said motioning to his face then the darker person's face like 'we look kinda similar though. You calling me ugly?' "Yeah! Just get him our of here!" I said angrily and impatiently. Link through the darker version out my bed room window and far into the forest. He the turned to me. "Sorry. It's just he looked ugly. That doesn't mean you too. You guys aren't identical twins." I said in an apologetic tone. "Yeah. Now that I think about it, we look nothing alike." Link said. "I didn't say that but you certainly aren't exactly alike." I replied. He then left and I went to bed.
Zelda POV
I saw Link walking towards me after I had heard Y/n yelling at him but the words weren't quite clear. "She's in danger. It was Dark Link. He found her. And he's stronger." Link said to me in a worrying tone. I started to worry. Ohno! Y/ncouldbeindangernow!