Chapter 13: Bonjour

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We returned to the castle. We could've shown up to school but the school day was already halfway done so there's really no point in going. Plus, today was just review for math, gym, music, and review on French spelling and grammar and stuff. We're gonna have a French test soon. And a math test for that matter. But it's okay if I miss today in school because I already have over 100% in both subjects. How is that possible? I get bonus marks for time and extra work. I don't really like gym. It's fun sometimes but the baoys don't play as a team so the girls never get to do anything. Music is fun but I could go without music for a bit. Playing the flute is hard sometimes.

Now that I think about it, Link hasn't been in gym or music yet. And he probably doesn't know French. "Um Link?" I asked. "Yeah?" He replied. "Do you know how to play basketball or how to speak French?" I asked. He seemed confused. Well that answered my questions. "Um well trench is another language and basketball is a game." I explained. He still seemed lost. He's probably not gonna pass French or gym. "Do you play an instrument?" I asked. Maybe he'll still pass music. "I play this." He said holding up an ocarina. Nope. He's doomed. "Any other instruments?" I asked. He thought for a moment but shook his head. "I have a bad feeling about your grades." I mumbled. "What?" He asked. "Oh nothing." I said quickly.

I don't want to have to go to school. It's the morning after the 'incident'. I want to see my friends but I don't want to have to go near Vivian or Rachel. Or Scarlet. But I knew I had to go because the math and French tests are today. I'm hoping I don't need to go tomorrow. Today we also have gym. Great *sarcasm*. Me and Link went to school like normal but today Zelda wanted to come with us. She was wearing a normal shirt and....leggings? I didn't know she had leggings. At least she'll fit in. She had her hair in a long braid. She looked like a normal school kid.

We got to school and I was tackled into a hug by my two non-hylian friends. "Thank you!" They both said in unison. I stared blankly at them. "Huh?" "You saved us. Thank you." Said Bff/n. I guess they're referring to yesterday when I lied to protect them. "What do you remember?" I asked them. "I'm not sure but I remember you saved us. I don't know the details though." Replied 2Bff/n. I guess they don't really remember it. That's good.

"Hey Y/n." Said Bff/n while we were heading down for lunch. I had already told them that Zelda was also from Hyrule not the princess or sister part, but the Hylian part. "Yeah?" I asked. "Do you think you could possibly take me and 2Bff/n to Hyrule?" Asked Bff/n. I stood still and stared for a moment thinking of my answer. I looked over to Zelda and Link. They seemed to think about it too. Zelda nodded. "Alright." I said looking back to my friends. "Yay!" They both cheered. I walked over to Zelda. "Um how are we supposed to get them to Hyrule? Link's portal thing only allows Hylians into Hyrule." I asked. "That's because I didn't want anyone else going to Hyrule. He made the portal only for Hylians because that's all he knows. I, on the other hand, can make one for everyone." She explained.

It's now the end of the day. I know I aced my tests. Gym was boring as usual since I didn't get to do anything but it was funny watching Link and Zelda try to figure out how to play basketball. We went back to Hyrule with Bff/n and 2Bff/n. They were amazed seeing the huge castle and town. We were in Hyrule field right outside of Hyrule town and Kokiri village. "Wow." They both said in unison in amazement. "What's that big castle. Is that where royalty lives." Asked 2Bff/n. I nodded. "Yeah. We're going there after exploring the town okay." I said. We walked forward. I was in front of the group with Link and Bff/n beside me and 2Bff/n right behind Bff/n and Zelda not far behind me.

We got past the bridge to the lively town. My friends' faces lit up. They had huge smiles on their faces from the sight of happy people and music and stuff. Then they realized something. "Hey Y/n. Why are we going to the castle after?" Asked 2Bff/n. "Because I live there. The royal family was nice enough to let me stay there." I kinda explained. They nodded. While I was walking, I noticed a little brunette girl in between two buildings. She was in a ball crying. I  from the group when they weren't paying attention and walked over to her. "What's wrong?" I asked in a kind and gentke voice. "Mommy *sniff* and daddy *sniff* left me." Said the girl crying. "Oh no. Why?" I asked. "Because *sniff* they *sniff* don't *sniff* love me anymore!" Cried out the girl.

"I'm sure that's not why. How about we go try to find them okay?" I said with a reasurring tone and bright smile for the last part. She looked at me and nodded. We walked out from the shadows. "Do you see them anywhere?" I asked. She shook her head no. While we were walking, she grabbed my hand. I smiled a bit. She is so adorable. "There!" She said a little loudly once she spotted her parents. They seemed worried. I walked over to them. "Excuse me. I believe this is your daughter? She said that you left her." I said to the couple. The mother scooped her child in a hug. "We would never leave you!" She cried. "She got separated from the group when she was looking away. I thought she was following but I noticed she wasn't there. Thank you so much Princess." Said the mother.

Princess? Do people know now? "Excuse me miss, how did you know I was princess?" I asked. "The word got out two days ago that there was a princess because Zelda base the announcement. You walked out of the castle with her shortly afterward so we all knew the second princess was you." Explained the woman.

I thought I'd better leave the chapter here. I had 1100 (exactly) words for the story part of that chapter. Wow! I'm gonna work on the next chapter after I publish this so yeah. If you have ideas for a story but don't want to write it because you wanna read it, I have a book for that. Just look for the picture of the heart. It has instructions there. Please check out my Instagram (lunakitteno7) and my Twitter (Luna19805456). Bye!

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