Chapter 4: Author-Chan is too lazy to think of a title

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We arrived at the huge castle. It was even more amazing close up. "Wow!" I said under my breath. Linck noticed me staring in amazement. "This is Hyrule castle. Princess Zelda lives there. She'll explain everything." He said. I nodded my head. We then approached the gate. "Princess Zelda requested to speak with Y/n." Link told the guard. "Princess Zelda says she isn't seeing anyone today. Including you hero of time." Said the guard. I walked up to him. "Hey! I came all the way from my world because Zelda wanted to see me! I want answers and she's the only one that can answer them so let me in this instant!" I yelled angrily in the guards face.

Link POV

Did she just yell at the royal guard!? I just stood there shocked at her sudden outburst. She had been so kind helping that little girl that you wouldn't expect her to be yelling at the royal guard. "No!" He says. She then gave the guard a death glare and stomped off angrily, pulling me back with her. She dragged me all the way to the back of the path way to the castle. "I noticed vines here while we were walking over there. I'm getting into that castle." She said angrily but determined. I just nodded. I'm kinda scared of her now. Just because I swear I saw her eyes flash blood red for a moment while yelling at the guard. We got to the vines and climbed up them. This reminded me of the first time I saw Zelda. I had snuck into the castle using the same vines. We snuck around the guards and finally got to were Zelda is. She was in the same garden as when I met her. Y/n had completely calmed down a while ago. Zelda seemed to be stating off into space.


Me and Link stopped when he saw a girl. She was beautiful (you guys probably (hopefully) know what Zelda looks like). "Are you Zelda?" I asked the girl, making her stop staring out to space.She turned and looked at me. "I am. Who are you?" She asked. I don't think she noticed Link. "I thought I told my guards that I don't want to meet with anyone but Link and the other princess." Zelda added. I looked at her confused. "I'm Y/n. I think the guards misunderstood. They didn't even let us in." I said pointing to Link the myself when saying us. She looked over to Link the back to me. "Sorry Link! I didn't see ya there! Sorry!" Zelda said to Link. "It's okay. But the guards said that you wouldn't even want to see me even though I was bringing Y/n." Link explained. "So then how are you guys here?" She asked. "Umm.... Rather than telling the whole story, I'ma just suggest you get new guards. Your current guards are weak or don't notice when people are sneaking in." I said. She looked at me Link like 'what!?!?' and 'what the heck did you do!?!?!?' He laughed kinda nervously. "Y/n decided that she had to get in and let's just say, if the guards noticed her, which was maybe a quarter of the guards be cause she sneezed or coughed or tripped, she would punch them and knock them out." Link said nervously. Zelda facepalmed. She then looked up at me. "So, I'm guessing you really want some answers then." She said in her normal voice. I nodded my head with an innocent smile on my face as if I didn't do any of the stuff Link mentioned in order to get here. "Alright. I'll begin with who you are-" Zelda was cut off by me "I know who I am! I'm Y/n M/n (middle name) L/n! I am from Earth and I get good grades." I said. "I didn't mean your name and I meant before you went to Earth. You are Y/n, princess of the triforce and only holder of a special power. You are also my sister." She explained. My eyes widened. Then I gave her a suspicious face. "What power?" I asked. "You have a fourth triforce. A specialist triforce that belongs to no one else and is the most powerful." She explained. "?" I gave her a questioning look. "I guess I forgot to explain. The triforce was something left beyond by the three goddesses that created Hyrule. Din, Farore, and Nayru. Din, the goddess of power, Farore, the goddess of Courage, and Nayru, the goddess of wisdom. The triforce of Wisdom belongs to me. The triforce of Courage belongs to Link. The triforce of Power belongs to Ganondorf. You posses all there of these triforce and a special one." She explained.

"Wait a minute! Tri means three. Why are there 4 triforce?" I asked. "I'm not sure." Zelda said realising the fact of what I had said. "Anyway, what is my special triforce?" I asked. "The triforce of eclipse." She answered. "You mean like lunar eclipse and solar eclipse?" I asked confused. "Yes. Light, shadow, sun, and moon." She explained. "The main part though are light and moon but the other two parts are still there but are weaker." She added. "So then my special triforce is like 4 powers?" I asked confused. "Yes but they all come together to make one triforce." She explained. "Okay.  Now, explain what you meant by you, a princess, are my sister. "You are also a princess. The triforce princess. I swear I mentioned that before." She mumbled the last sentence but I could still hear her. "Now that I think about it, yeah you did say that. Sorry." I said realizing that she had said that. I gigled nervously. "Anyway, about my parents on Earth?" I asked curiously. "They adopted you after our parents asked them to raise you bit they requested that you know nothing about Hyrule or being adopted." She explained. I nodded understanding. "But why?" I asked. "Because of your power. They were scared that you would be targeted by anyone after the triforce and, since  power hasn't awaken, you wouldn't have been able to protect yourself." I nodded with a sad look in my eyes. I mean, I just found out that I never really got to meet my real parents and that I'm probably not gonna see my other parents very much.

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